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Raizie's point of view:

We walked downstairs to find a beaten Ben, standing with Frousa. Ben was too guilty and was leaving!

Nick was holding my hands and Ben gave him a disgusted look as he left.

We sat for the dinner and Frousa was looking at us curiously. I was blushing red, when her gazes met mine.

Nick was observing that for some time, "Mom, can you stop embarrassing us? We didn't do anything! We were just playing around when you came."

Frousa laughed loudly, "I know that already. Don't you think, that is too early for you guys? I mean, you guys are so stuborn, to give up to the bond."

We giggled and talked normally, about our school. Frousa was delighted to hear how angry I became when Elanda was sticking with him.

Yes, I was jealous. It is obvious I have feelings for him. I am not afraid to admit it!

Speaking of jealousy, it was nothing compared to the jealousy I went through when I found the door swing open and a blonde girl ran to him, hugged him tightly burrying his face in her chest. Why this boy always keeps attracting women! Damn him!

She was a vampire, no doubts. She was beautiful and looked royal, no doubt as well. Most irritating of all, her golden eyes had love for him. I wanted to cry out loud and punch her stomach so hard. But, my heart sank hearing the words coming from Nick, "Hey, Marry. How are you?" I wish I could let these tears fall from my eyes right now...

She leaned to him taking his face between her arms, "Oh! Dear, Nickkkolace. I missed you a lot. Baby, I thought you will find a pure blood vampire for a mate. But, you have to be with a human your entire life. So bad, I found my partner as well. But he is a C class. I hate him, why don't you kill yours when I kill mine and we marry each other! Marry, marry baby!"

She laughed hard after noticing the situation and soon Frousa and Nick joined. I had a feeling, she was telling the truth.

Nick spoke as she sat on the other side of him, "Shut the hell up, Marry. (Pointing to me) She is, Raizie, my partner and (looking to me, pointing to her) this is Marry. We are technically cousins."

I smiled at her and she said, "Hello, dear Raizie. Nice to meet you. But, not nice to know that you are a human. You will change, won't you?"

Nick turned his head down when I said, "No, I won't change myself. He have to love me, as who I am."

My answer made Frousa and Nick disapointed. But she smirked, "You are strange for a mere human!"

I nodded and went upstairs saying, "Umm...I am done. Thank you for the food. I would have to make a phone call, so I will take a leave."

I ran upstairs, not considering any of their reactions. I had no one to call, I came to be alone. I need to shed my long hidden tears.

I breathed out and the drops came out one by one. I stood by the door crying for some minutes, then decided to take a bath when they dried. Look at me, right now. I am so pathetic!

I went to the bathroom and took a long shower, doing some female stuffs. It took, may be forty minutes. When I dried my hair, I learned a great fact.

That was, I forgot to bring my clothes due to emotional reasons!

Great! He must not be in the room now. He might be with that, Marry whatever!

I peeked outside to find no trace of him. So, he was not in the room.

VAMPIRE CURSE, CURED BY LOVEΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα