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Nick's point of view:

I woke up in the morning to find the windows all open and sunlight filled the entire room as the curtains were tied as well. The clock said, 8:00 am.

Huh! I should get up. Wait, where is my mate? Why can't I sense any human near me? Not even within the house.

Then everything crossed my mind. My mate was not human any more! She is now, a special class legendary pure blood vampire with endless pride!

I came out of my room and saw her leaning by the opening corner on the other side of the hallway. Her back was showing her perfectly curved butt. Oh! That was the same dress she was wearing yesterday. She didn't change?

I walked to her and she turned her head towards me. I could sense her anger in her face.

I decided to ask, "What made you this angry this early in the morning?"

She smirked, "You are a pathetic pervert, royalty!"

Hey! That was hurting my ego as a royal pure blood. She didn't have to insult me!

Anger flushed through me as well, "Don't you call me that again, while you are the one who is nosy about my private thoughts! I like some privacy!"

She narrowed her eyes, "Then think about some body else!"

Geez! This girl is too much for me. She is going to make me hate her!

But, I can't hate her. Because, I know I love her and she is my mate while this proud vampire version of her is making everything harder. I would have gladly taken the human Raizie!

Then I was thrilled at her killer look, all of a sudden. "You dog of a mate! How dare you compare me with a human?"

She is impossible, "For at once, leave my head!"

She stared in my head for a while and showed a confused look before saying, "Why didn't your head blast?"

I was literally shocked. She tried to kill her own mate? What type of soul did she have inside her? I can't stay with her anymore. She is not my love and I am sure about that!

I would have been killed if I was not a royalty and not immune to abilities.

My face showed all my sorrows as I spoke, "I am sorry to disappoint you, 'mate'. But, I am immune to such special class legendary powers as a royalty. And, I think I can leave you alone by yourself so that you don't have to listen to my thoughts!"

Then, I ran out of the palace as soon as possible. I am not living with a killer of a mate in here.


Vampire Raizie's point of view:

I felt so bad when he left the palace this morning. I was angry and stuffed all my anger on him as he came to talk to me.

I did want to make him my friend and I never meant anything what I said. It is true though, that I tried killing him that time.

But believe me, I was more than relieved that he was immune to that power! I made him sad and a part inside me was killing me because of that.

I do like him as a life partner and no one else would have been so perfect for me in every way.

But today, when I woke up I was furious to hear the thoughts of some servants here, in the palace. Then again, I hated to find the human part of me roaming in his mind. He would always think about her and I would have to listen to him, comparing me with her. Our parents were even having a discussion about her.

I was so pissed and so angry that, I didn't even realise when I snapped. I have to apologize for my behaviour when I find him next!

VAMPIRE CURSE, CURED BY LOVEWhere stories live. Discover now