Don't give up

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I could hardly breathe. My lungs felt like they had collapsed ever since I got that call from Ruben telling me that the house was under siege. My feet moved under me on auto pilot while my brain ran in a hundred directions. I raced myself down the stairs to get to the car.

I threw the door open and it seemed like the car was moving before I could get it closed again. I weaved in and out of the traffic at a dangerous rate. I didn't bother to check just how fast I was going. It didn't matter. I got to the house 15 minutes faster than it would have normally taken me.

I was under gun fire the moment I opened the door. I ducked my head back behind the door. This was wasting precious time. My rage peaked. I let out a loud growl of frustration. I aimed and shot at the men standing conveniently out in the open in front of the door. Their bodies instantly dropped to the floor. I kicked them out of the way and opened the door. By then the men that had accompanied me to the office had caught up to me. My men and I moved into and effortless formation and mowed down everybody that wasn't a part of our family.

I lead the group down the halls moving quickly as to get to my dear pregnant wife before something happened to her. We got to the hallway that lead down to the basement. That was the first time I had sucked in a big gulp of air in the last thirty minutes. I gasped loudly as Jessica was shot in the chest for the second time while she kneeled over her dead best friends body.

I lifted my gun and shot Stefan once in the back. His body arched as the bullet lodged in his spine. "I hope you go to hell." I said and then pulled the trigger once more.

I dropped the gun in front of me and bolted to the spot on the ground where the one person in this world that I loved lie dying.

"Get an ambulance here!"

I fell to my knees beside her and replaced her hand with mine on her chest trying to keep her precious blood in her body. She was so young. Too young. 

"You don't quit on me ok." I whispered loud enough for her and no one else to hear. I placed my hand on the baby bump on her stomach. "You don't quit on us. An ambulance in on the way." I held the overwhelming urge to sob in while my men were standing right in front of me, but seeing her on the verge of death was something that almost broke me to my very core.

"I won't quit." She whispered and a single tear slipped from her eye. "I won't quit." She said a little quieter and then her eyes slipped shut.

"No no. Hey open your eyes. Keep your eyes open baby, open your eyes." I said getting louder with each word. I sucked in a breath of air and picked her up in my arms. I shut out the part of my that wanted to panic and cry, and focused on the part that was smart. The part that made the right decisions. I dashed down the halls to get her to the front door. There was no way that the paramedics would find her in this maze and she needed to get to the hospital as soon as possible if she wanted any chance of living.

Seconds later they arrived, jumping out of the back, a gurney being rolled along behind them. They took her from my arms placing her on the gurney. Patches of gauze were placed over the wound. Almost simultaneously the pure white color was turned red.

I went to follow her into the back of the ambulance only to find a hand pushing on my chest, keeping me out. "Mr. Copland we don't have any room in here for you to come. Now we don't have any time to waste. Follow behind us." He said and shut the door in my face.

"That little.." I cursed him out and rushed into the car Matthias was waiting for me. "Step on it Matthias. You follow right behind them."

We raced all the way to the hospital tailgating the ambulance. When we got there the doors were thrown open and the doctors were already there waiting for Jessica when she was lowered down from the truck. People were shouting and yelling orders at each other. Using words that didn't make any sense to me but I prayed they knew what they were talking about. If they didn't there would be people dead by they end of the night.

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