Chapter THREE

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Blake's POV*

I struggled to get my eyes open for what felt like forever, and when I finally did, I was immediately blinded with a bright light, so I closed them again pretty much immediately.

All that work for nothing, fuck.

I have to get up soon to make the pack breakfast. I started to sit up, but a deep voice froze me in place,

"Lily! He's awake." The voice yelled. And suddenly yesterday's events came to me, and I was knocked back over from the impact.

I found my mate. Fuck. I wasn't at my Pack house, I ran away. I told Micah I would meet him here, but I was running for what felt like forever, and then nothing. It's all dark, so how did I get here?

"I have a headache." I whimpered out. I heard someone else whimper gruffly almost as a reaction to mine, but didn't know who, while someone else laughed, earning a growl in response from the other person. Someone cleared their throat uncomfortably,

That's what you get for laughing at me!

They couldn't see it, but in my head I pouted.

How rude. Laughing at a poor innocent soul such as myself.

"Yes, you're going to have a slight headache, can you try opening your eyes for me please?" The woman's voice was sweet as she called out to me from across the room.

Nodding slowly, I attempted to open my eyes again. This time, thankfully, there was no blinding light, so I opened them fully and blinked to clear the sleep from vision.

"Can I start off by asking; Where the fuck am I?" The words spilled from my mouth after I struggled to pull myself up. Looking around the room, I barely caught sight of someone leaving from the door. The woman I heard standing close by, bright blue eyes and long blond hair. Micah, the most demanding presence in the room, sitting in a chair in the corner, his dark hair falling into his sharp features, brown eyes glazed over in worry as he watched me intently.

His gaze was intense, sending a shiver down my spine.

I kind of snorted to myself, deciding to avoid his gaze and focus on the woman.

I never would've been able to speak so freely if I were in my own Pack. I knew I wasn't because all the voices were unfamiliar and the scent, while clearly a hospital of some sorts, wasn't the one I had grown used to. I was in our Pack hospital a lot, you kind of get used to it after the first couple dozen times.

Suckers, you get the wrath of my smart-ass mouth.

The thought made me smile slightly.

I heard a deep, low chuckle and looked up to see Micah. A second ago, he was almost brooding, and now he's laughing?

"My Packs Hospital." He answered, clearing his throat after I cut off his laughter off with a glare.

"Well, thanks." My voice was curt, almost rude as I attempted to stand up, swinging my legs over the side of the bed that was in the opposite corner of the room from Micah's chair, across from the door.

The only exit, I might add. I tried to ignore the discomfort, instead, glancing back over to Micah. I can't believe someone so attractive was my mate.

When was he gonna reject me? I'm tired of waiting, just knowing it was coming. Obviously, it was coming. Why would he want me? Why would anyone want me? Sighing I said,

"So, can you just reject me and get it over with? I have things to figure out and I can't really do that here." I could hear how I sounded, and it was sad. Pathetic.

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