Chapter FOUR

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Micah's POV*

His wolf was just as scrawny as he was but I didn't mind. It made me sad, and very curious about what he had been through. But I knew from experience that time would heal his wounds, physical or otherwise.

He was still cute, and he was still mine. I really did like him, and no other person, male or female, was allowed to have him, not in the way I was. I do think that maybe I was a little too forward with just kissing him the way I did, I had no idea if he would accept me.

And there was all that nonsense about him assuming I would reject him right off the rip. The look in his face... Devastating.

Running, with the air flowing through my fur was amazing, I felt so free. And I could feel all the stress and worry of everything over the last few days decreasing with each step I took. Each paw print I made contained some of my worry. And I couldn't wait till it was all gone. So, I kept running with my mate by my side.

Looking over at him, I saw he looked as happy and carefree as I felt. Grinning wolfishly, I stopped and howled out in joy.


We both shifted back after an hour or two of just running around and hanging out under the clear sky. We had already both gotten dressed, compartments of clothes hidden all around the forest for this exact reason. It was hard to keep my eyes to myself, but I managed.

Coming out from behind his tree, his soft voice met my ears excitedly.

"That was awesome!" He called out, first bumping the air with such a happy smile. He was so innocent that I couldn't help but smile back. My smile soon turned into a frown at the thought,

"Was that your first shift? Your first run?" He blushed in embarrassment at my question.

"Once when I was sixteen was the only other time I shifted. I'm eighteen now, as of yesterday." He shrugged clearly trying to make it nonchalant but pretty much failing to do so by how tense he was, shoulders practically up to his ears.

I walked towards him and set my hand on his shoulder; he flinched in response but didn't pull away. Soon my touch calmed his nerves, and you could practically see him release. I could tell that the only reason he found comfort in my touch was because of our mate bond, and it wasn't even fully formed since we hadn't... fully connected, to say.

"How old are you?" He asked me, I raised an eyebrow at him and smiled.

"I'm 25...." I trailed off, noticing his attempt at a subject change and said,

"I'm sorry." It was hard for me to choke out those words, but I would do anything for my mate. Besides, I did feel sorry for him, though he probably didn't want my pity.

"It's okay." He shrugged my hand off, but we both knew it wasn't okay.

"No, it isn't. Don't lie to yourself, or me, please." When I first started talking, my words were angry, but as the sad, pleading look on his face grew more intense, my words grew softer. I just couldn't be angry with him around. It's as if he had such an effect on me, I couldn't succumb to any negative feelings. I could only hope it was the same for him.

He already means a lot to me and that worries me, because my Pack is the strongest, so I have many enemies. Meaning when they find out, if they don't already know, they'll use that to their advantage.

"Okay..." Is all he mumbled out.

To my surprise, he hugged me, wrapping his thin arms around my body, his reach barely going all the way around to clasp his hands. He was so small.

At first, he was stiff, but the second my arms wrapped around him, he melted, surprising me yet again. I couldn't help but smile, glad that he seemed to find comfort in my touch.

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