Chapter ELEVEN

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Blake's POV*

I surprised myself by leaning up and kissing Micah on the lips with all I had. Every shitty emotion I felt was poured into it, it was such a release. All the sadness and anger, all the bitterness and disappointment. All gone as soon as we made contact. Though I was still terrified, I somehow felt safe in his arms.

It was such a comforting feeling the way our lips melted together, the salty tears pooling from my eyes invading our kiss. It was so unlike... anything else I had ever experienced.

I started sobbing again and pulled away. No matter what I do my mind keeps going back to him.

Why couldn't I be normal?!

Much to my surprise Micah said nothing and just held me close to his chest, petting my hair soothingly in the dimly lit room.

Nothing needed to be said and I'm glad he knew that.

He wants me... He actually wants me...

"You still want me, right?" I didn't mean to ask but the words tumbled out of my mouth before I could give a second thought to it.

His chest vibrated with a small chuckle, his grip on me tightening slightly, holding me close. He nuzzled his nose into my hair, slowly moving his lips to my ear. Placing a small kiss there.

"I will always want you, Blake. You're my home... You're what I want, always." His whisper sent chills down my spine.

I can get past this... It won't be hell forever. I was finally safe.

"Y-you won't leave me...? After what happened? A-after what I d-did?" My words started choking up as I recalled using Micahs name to get off to that horrid man.

He nodded against me and said,

"I understand why you did what you did Blake. I'm sorry you had to go through that..." His voice was a lot tenser than it was before and I felt a hot tear hit my cheek, except it wasn't my own.

I looked up at him and whipped his tears, placing gentle kisses above his eyes, having to strain on my tip toes to do so. He managed a small chuckle and said,

"You bring a whole new definition to short, you know that?" He lifted an eyebrow and I couldn't help but smile some at his adorable face.

Even if his eyes were red rimmed.

I hugged myself up against him, no matter what happened to me, Micah always managed to make me feel safe in his arms.... Almost like I was home...

"W-what happened? When Axel came to get me... He said you had to take care of some things... What'd you do?" I looked up at him and to my surprise, I didn't feel panic growing in my chest, not even when his eyes flashed black.

"I... I shot the Beta. He may be dead for all I know."

He hesitated for a moment, looking at me with genuine concern that warmed my heart slightly.

I couldn't help but note how he only mentioned Beta Jackson... what about...?

"What about D-...." I cleared my throat and looked down at the ground, regaining my composure slightly before I looked up again, "What about him?"

Micah was slightly tense with a reluctant look in his eyes, I strained my ears slightly, hoping to hear sincerity in his next words.

"H-he's here..." I immediately tensed and when Micah noticed he pulled me even closer, now we were chest to chest with my arms locked around him.

"I have him locked up... In the Jail House... I... I'm making him pay for what he did." Micah was incredibly tense, and I continued sucking in sharp breathes, trying to keep my heart in my chest.

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