Chapter EIGHT

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Micahs POV*

I growled loudly and punched the wall with all my might, my frustration only growing when my fist when straight through.

"Micah, you need to calm down, do you understand? The Packs men and I are putting together a plan to get him back and I need you to keep your fucking head on straight, you got that?" Axel yanked me back, his words growing in anger when he realized I wouldn't be calming down so easy.

"We need to find him, NOW." I yelled again, baring my teeth and slamming my hand on the table, breaking it.

Worry shook me to the core, what is that foul man doing to my poor baby? My mate?! How fucking dare he take Blake away from me. I'll kill him.

"Micah, let go of the chair, your hand is turning white, and the chair is going to break." Lily's voice rang through my burning ears, and I felt her gentle hand land on mine that were gripping the chair tightly, I hadn't even realized I grabbed the chair, let alone the fact I was about to squeeze it in half.

My anger grew, her touch wasn't the touch I wanted to feel! I threw the chair and sank to my knees. The chair broke on contact with the wall.

"They're gonna hurt him." I felt salty tears run down my face and I wanted to punch the closest thing to me.

The door burst open, and Annalee came through. Her eyes wide and a tape in her hand.

"Th-this was sent from Alpha Dave. You're gonna wanna see it." Tears were staining her cheeks, her voice and hands shaking.

Axel got up and took it from her, saying a thanks. She bowed and left, sniffling on the way.

"It's an old tape, VHS looks like." Axel looked at it and Lily frowned.

"I've got a VHS tape player in the back, I'll run and get it," in a much quieter voice, Lily added, "Keep an eye on him please, he's not stable."

Of course, I wasn't stable!!! Alpha Dave has my mate!!! He could be doing anything. I fucking bet he's the one who scarred Blake and made him so fragile and weak. Starved him! I'll fucking kill him. I want him dead.

Axel nodded and I heard the door close, signaling that Lily had left. Axel placed his hand on my shoulder, which was shaking in sadness and anger.

"We'll get him back. Pull yourself together. Paul just sent a mind link, they found one of the Alphas men alive on the field where they fought. He's interrogating him so we can get more of a thought as to what their grounds are like. We have an idea from the last time we visited but it's not enough. Now either help Paul or keep sitting here sulking. If you want your mate back so bad, go and get him." His hand removed from my shoulder, and I heard his footsteps walk away.

Tough love, much.

I scoffed at the thought.

"I've got the player." The doors opened and Lily wheeled in a TV and the player. "The tape is already inside; we just have to click play."

Nodding, I got up on shaking knees and walked over to the case. Clicking play, the first thing I heard was Alpha Dave's voice.

"Now, for my comfort and my comfort only, I'm un-strapping you from this table and moving you to the bed. Make any move and I will not refrain from stabbing you and leaving you here to bleed out. Do you understand?"

In the video, he started taking the restraints off of a very naked Blake, who whimpered in response.

He has my mate tied up and naked!! What is this sick bastard doing to what's mine?!

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