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Micah's POV*

I groaned and shifted in the cold bed, feeling around for Blake, seeking his warmth.

Upon feeling none, I shot up out of bed and immediately regretted it. A burning pain shot throughout my body. I groaned again, letting myself fall back onto the bed that smelled too heavily of cleaner and wasn't comfortable enough to be mine.

The sounds of sobs and a tear falling on my cheek willed me to force my eyes open again, seeing Blake for the first time in what felt like years. Something welled inside my chest as I took in his appearance. Barely healed cuts littered his neck and face. He looked tired.

"Blake..." I choked out, a huge smile forming on my face as I reached out and yanked him down until he was on top of me, the pain I was once feeling suddenly forgotten and replaced with his warmth as his body shook above mine.

"I love you, I love you so much." He held onto me, his arms working their way around my neck as shock coursed through me. He loves me? Another huge smile broke across my face, my whole body feeling elated.

"I love you too." At the croaked words, he started shaking harder and it took me a moment to realize he was now laughing.

"I'm so glad you're okay." He pulled back from the hug and crashed his lips onto mine, love, heat and fire burning our lips in the one simple kiss. I was laughing too hard to kiss back so he smiled and pulled away, kissing all over my face instead.

The door next to us opened and Lily, Am, Axel, a woman with an infant and a man whom I didn't know, all came barging in, happiness filling the once cold and lonely room.

What made me even happier was when Blake didn't move to get off of me, just snuggled closer into my chest.

"How are you feeling?" Lily asked, her tone fell calmly on my ears. Her eyes shown at me with concern. Even still, something about this moment felt very peaceful. Like it was all finally over.

I gave her a smile and that was easily all the answer she needed to understand that I never felt better.

"How long was I out?" I questioned, tugging at Blake's hair softly and running my fingers through it, loving the vibrations coming from his chest because of it. I looked to Axel, and we nodded at each other, an understanding that we were both going to be okay. He stayed silent the entire time, but his presence was all I needed, and we both knew that.

"Two weeks..." The woman with the baby responded, smiling lightly at me as if she had known me her entire life. My eyes widened in shock at first before Blake whimpered into my neck. I chuckled realizing it was because I had stopped petting his hair.

"I've missed you guys." I said, another smile forming on my lips. Everything just felt so content in my stomach. Like nothing else in the world mattered.


The transition to getting back on my feet was kinda difficult but with help from the people around me, it went by a lot quicker.

I had learned about what happened to Blake and rage welled in my chest that I hadn't been able to protect him, shame and sadness right on its heals. Luckily, the man had been found, Jewel? Blake told me her name was, along side him. They had gone rouge, hiding in the woods. It was not a kind life, but it wasn't anything they didn't deserve. What surprised me, was the pity Blake took upon them. Rather than imprisoning them, which was already less than they deserved, they were banished from our Territory and told that if they were ever seen again, they'd rot in our Jail.

The thought of them still out there didn't sit well with me, but Blake assured me that this is the way he wanted to do it. I don't know if I'll ever understand why.

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