Chapter FIVE

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Blake's POV*

"Then don't," my voice was horse. I couldn't believe I was going through with this. After everything Dave put me through... but I just had to convince myself that my mate wouldn't treat me that way

After what Dave d-

Shaking my head to clear my thoughts, I looked back up at Micah. I wasn't going to let him ruin this moment, no matter how much I wanted to curl up into a ball and hide from Micah's naked form in front of me.

As soon as the words left my mouth, Micah was kissing me feverishly, almost greedily. I moaned loudly, surprising myself. His lips felt like electricity on mine. He kissed me so softly, but at the same time I felt like I was being devoured, like he wanted everything I had to offer. And he was going to take it.

I wondered what he meant by 'control himself' though... Maybe he means he won't be able to keep himself from jumping my bones? Who knows.

His lips moved from mine, tracing my jaw and down to my neck, teasing the skin there, his hot breath against my skin sending shivers down my spine, his hands fell to my hips, daring to pull me closer. My body betrayed me, my arms snaking around his shoulders, leaning into his touch.

Ohhhhhhhhh you naughty thing.

Groaning to myself, I blocked my wolf out; he was distracting and way more flamboyant than I could say for myself. I don't even think it possible to call me flamboyant, not compared to him.

I tried not to cringe into the kiss, I could see my wolf, in my head, licking his lips before I was able to block him out.

How is it my wolf is more openly gay than me? Gross.

Micah's moan as he bit my neck, surely leaving a mark, brought me out of my thoughts. He made it impossible to think.

"Are you sure about this?" I could feel his hands leave my hips, traveling to tease the front of his boxers.

"Little too late to ask that don't you think?" I raised an eyebrow at him, feeling my own pants already tight around me.

Was I actually ready for this....

I could feel myself trembling slightly and I'm not sure if it's out of excitement or fear...

"No, it's never too late to turn around, do you understand? You call the shots... if you want me to stop, say so and I will." His words were soft and genuine but hard and stern. Honestly, it made my heart swell. He made me feel safe.

He's nothing like Dave.... He won't hurt me.... He's my mate.

I reached over and kissed him with that thought in mind. He grunted slightly, the friction of our hips rolling together created a pleasure uncommon to me. I moaned out at the contact, it felt hot, and I was definitely bothered.

"Relax. I know what to do so you just sit back and enjoy it, okay?" He asked, taking my length in his hand, causing me to tense. He slowly stared to stroke me.

Before I knew it, and without any warning, a warm wet substance, also known as Micahs mouth, wrapped around me and I shuddered, almost caving in on myself. And when he moaned against me I swore I almost fell over... I would have if it weren't for his hands on my ass, holding me in place.

Don't think of Dave.

Don't think of Dave.

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