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When your on the run,
You have to be brave.
You have to be strong.
You have to fight for your life.

While running,
Think about no one.
Care about no one.
Just run and be free.

You're found missing.
What do you do now?
Run and hide.

If they find you,
Run and hide again.
Keep a low profile.
Don't do anything stupid.

If you do anything stupid,
They will find you and bring you home.
If you're tired,
Make sure they don't find you.

And then,
I wake up to find myself at home,
In my bed,
Safe and sound.

I hear a sound that sounds like someone's in my room.
No response.

I try again.
Something responded.

"Who are you......?"
I asked the thing.
You don't need to ask that..... Let's just say I'm your friend.......

"Then can I see you?"
I asked, feeling brave.
I guess you could see me...... But be warned, I can and will scare you.

Are you ready to face your worst fears........?
Wishing to take my words back, I nodded my head in agreement.

Ok....... You've been warned.......
Then, the monster came out of the closet, and it was the beast that I drew in art. But life sized.

The beast had bluish skin,
A clawed hand with nearly 6 inch talons for slashing,
Red beatty eyes,
And a mouth full of razor sharp teeth fir tearing into flesh.

I stifled a scream.
It grinned a nasty smile.
I warned you about this.....
It hissed at me.

Without realizing it,
I bolted out of my room,
Nearly missing its clawed hand.
And just ran.

I didn't care about having shoes.
I didn't care about my family.
All I cared about was out running the hellish nightmare behind me.

Somehow I managed to lose the nightmare beast.
Which is good, and bad at the same time.

I'm glad I lost the hell beast,
So that I can rest for a bit.
But it's also bad that I lost it.
It could jump scare me without knowing.........

I wiped my head around so fast,
I nearly tripped and fell.
The beast let out a nightmarish growl, I screamed bloody murder.

Then, I felt its talons rake across my face.
I screamed again.
And I found myself on the ground.

Then, the beast walked over to me,
Picked me up in it talons,
And threw me nearly 15 feet in the air.
I landed with a thud against a tree.

Then I saw my life flash before me.
I saw my family.
I saw my friends.
I saw him.

After the beast was done,
It left me to die there, alone.
I heard it walk away as I saw my sight turn to black.

After what seemed like forever,
I feel the sting of pain as I try to open my eyes.
I start to hear voices, but I hear his voice first.

He sounds close......
I think to myself.
"Aurora......? Are you awake.....?"
He asked.

I manage to only get a whimper out.
"(Sigh) thank goodness you're alright......"

After a while I manage to get a full sentence out.
"Where am I..........?"
"You're in the hospital."

"Great.............." I said with a groan of pain. "How'd you find me.......?"
"I heard your scream from my house."

"Oh............ Ow.......!!"
"Don't hurt yourself again....."
I look around the room.
I saw my whole family around my bed.

Including my dad.
He didn't look too pleased........
"What happened to you....?"
He asked me.

"I really don't remember. All I know is I was attacked by a nightmarish beast, like it came from hell."
"Oh.......... I thought it was a wolf..."

"Really dad.......?? A wolf wouldn't leave marks like this..........!!"
I exclaimed with some effort....
"And it looked like a demon spawn too......"

"Well I'm glad you're ok sweetheart........"
Then, I bolted upright in my bed.....

Wow....... That was a crazy nightmare.......
I think to myself.
Then I feel a sharp pain in my side.

I see scars all over my body,
Wondering how I got them,
I see a shadow in my closet,
Remember me......? It hissed....

(A/N: I know.... Another dark one, but most of these poems are just about my daily struggles. If you want me to write a lighter poem, just say so in the comments!)

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