Death day

16 2 0

It's night time...
The only noise in my room is the almost eerie, yet comforting music that is playing in the background...
I'm laying in my bed, wide awake as I'll ever be.

You don't have to be afraid of death...
A voice chimes in my head.
I roll my eyes as I reply mentally,
I can and will be afraid of death...! I mean, I might die soon...!
....fair enough..... The voice echoes inside my mind, then disappears.

Suddenly, there was a slight commotion outside my door.
I freeze, scared of what might happen next.
Oh God, oh God, oh God...! I say panicked in my mind.
Then, the slight sound of laughter filled my ears... And the voice that followed the menacing laugh chills me to my core.
"We're here for you, dear.... Where can you be hiding.....?"
Another round of eerie laughter filled in the night.

After what seemed like an eternity,
I see a shadow appear from underneath my door.
I then in turn hide under my covers, hoping, praying, that I would survive the night.
Then, the turning of a doorknob makes me gasp with fear as panic filled my chest.
"There you are...."
The voice said, clearly pleased in finding me.

I attempted to remain quiet as to not be noticed by the attacker, but failed miserably.
As my fear of death rose in my chest, my heart beat picked up as well, filling my ears with loud banging of my heart.

I then squeezed my eyes shut and covered my mouth in an effort to keep quiet.
All of a sudden, the blanket that was my only protection to be concealed, was ripped away.
I was then looking at the face of my attacker...
They looked at me with a sickening pleasure as to have finally cornered me.

Without thinking,
I pushed past my attacker and ran out the door into the cold and unforgiving night.
My attacker was close behind and I just kept running.
With no end in sight,
I pushed myself to keep running,
To stay alive,
To survive the night.

Somehow, I ran all the way to Hilbert.
I dared not to look behind me,
Knowing that my attacker was gaining ground.
Let me get to his house safely....!
I pleaded in my mind.
As quickly as I entered hilbert,
I was approaching his house quickly.

I ran towards his house and somehow grabbed the purple phone beforehand.
With that, I called him.
Pick up, pick up, pick up...!
"Hello...?" The familiar voice calms me instantly.
"Babe, I'm outside.... Let me in please....!" I whispered horsely as my lungs begged for oxygen.
"On it...!" And the line was cut.
Within seconds, I was in his house,
Safe and sound.... For a moment...

After collapsing in his arms,
I broke down in tears and sobbed,
Scared for my life.
He held me for what seemed like forever, and I continued to sob.
When we thought we were safe,
He picked me up in his arms and carried me up to his room.
Once in his room, he closed the door and kissed me passionately,
For we both knew that this would be the last time we would see each other....

A scream shattered the quiet night.
A scream of horror,
A scream of death....
They came in through the window with a crash.
He held me close to his chest and attempted to protect me.

The attacker, who had chased me, sprinted towards him and grabbed me by my arm.
I was ripped away from him,
I was ripped away from my whole world.
As quickly as they came in,
The quick stab of pain in my chest made me gasp and cry out.

My vision was fading fast,
I didn't know what to do.
As my vision continued to fade,
I saw him run towards me and pull me into his arms,
As a last effort to keep me alive.

I then saw my attacker stab him from the back and he gasped in the same fashion I did moments ago...
He then collapsed on top of me,
Still holding onto me for dear life,
And whispered these oh so simple words in my ear....

"I-i...... L-love y-you..... M-my q-queen....."
"I l-love you..... T-too m-my k-King........."
In a last attempt to make the moment sweeter,
He used all of his strength to push himself up on his arms to kiss me once more.

I embraced the final kiss as my eyes finally closed with a dreamless sleep.
I still felt his lips on mine as my senses were fading.
And with death calling my name,
I heard him utter for the last time,
"I love you......"
I couldn't make a sound, for my throat was closed,
I mouthed the same words to him,
"I love you too......."
And this is the end of the story of my life........

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