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Help me....
I'm falling apart,
I don't know how to stop hurting,
And I don't know how much more I can take....

Help me....
I keep thinking about dying,
I can't stop thinking about it,
And I don't know when death will leave my mind....

Help me....
I forgot about the me I used to know,
The happy, go lucky me,
And she's been gone for quite some time....

Help me....
I'm crying out for help,
My cries are drowned out by the world,
And I can't bring myself to scream louder than I already am....

Help me....
I don't know how to be happy anymore,
All I know is fake happiness,
And I don't remember being truly happy....

Help me....
I've fallen to the ground,
I've been there ever since I trusted him to love me,
And I haven't gotten up since then...

You heard my calls,
You heard my aching heart,
You heard my silent sobs in the dead of night,
And you came to rescue me from my pain and suffering....

You saw all the tears I held back,
You saw all the fake smiles I put out,
You saw all the lies of me saying "I'm ok" written in my dried tear stains,
And you saw all the memories of pain slowly disappear in my eyes....

You wiped every tear I cried,
You kissed every painful memory away,
You took every broken smile and glued every piece back in,
And you took all the pain from my eyes away....

Ever since I've met you all those years ago,
You've helped me through everything,
No matter the cost it was,
And you made sure I stayed happy....

Every day I had a problem,
I would wait till the day I saw you again and tell you what was wrong,
Some days I would ask you the same and you'd tell me of your troubles,
And I'd help you through yours....

No matter what happens to us,
Good or bad,
I'm glad I met you,
So that we can get through the chaos of life together....

I will always have you,
And you'll always have me,
Now and forever,
For all of eternity.

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