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Aimee hadn't returned to the village. She couldn't. She didn't want to feel like a disappointment to anyone. She knew she wasn't like her sister. Hannah was beautiful but Aimee thought she was nothing. She hated herself so much.

Aimee sat in the hotel room and cried. She wanted someone to be there with her. Aimee looked at her phone and saw a text from Hannah.

Come back Aimee. We miss you - Hannah xx
I can't come back. It hurts too much - Aimee.
What does? - Hannah xx
Life - Aimee xx

When Hannah got Aimee's text about life hurting her, she ran to her parents. "Look!"

Trevor sighed. "She's seventeen. She's well within her rights to leave," he said.

"You don't care that your daughter has gone missing and is vulnerable?" Hannah yelled.

"Course we care. But Aimee is the one who left without telling us what was wrong," Grace said.

Hannah scoffed. "She didn't tell you because you both ignore her. You treat me like I'm queen. But Aimee? She's ignored!"

Aimee walked into town. She wanted some new clothes. She had her credit card so knew she wouldn't run out of money.

She went into Primark and bought underwear, pyjamas, leggings and tops. She then went into the shoe store and bought a few pairs of shoes.

Hannah was tracking Aimee via find my iPhone. So far, she had located her In Manchester. Hannah had Warren with her. "I'm bringing her home. She's not living in some city away from her family," Hannah ranted.

Warren smiled. "Don't worry babe. We'll bring her back. I promise."

Aimee arrived back at the hotel. She saw Hannah and Warren. Hannah ran over. "What the hell?"


Hannah shook her head. "You're coming with us Aimee. I'm not leaving you," Hannah told her.

Aimee rolled her eyes. "I don't want to! I cannot cope in the village. Mum and dad treat me like I don't exist. You're the favourite one. I was the mistake," she said.

Hannah sighed. "Aimee, you're coming with us. Warren is getting your stuff."

Reluctantly, Aimee agreed to go home. She sat in the back of Warren's car. Hannah grinned. "We'll be alright. We stick together."


When they got back to the village, Aimee took a deep breath. She didn't know what to do. "I don't want to be here."

Hannah sighed. "It'll be fine Aimee. I'm here," she said.


Grace and Trevor walked down to the club. They saw Aimee standing there with Hannah. Hannah smiled. "Look who I brought home."

Trevor nodded. He walked over to Aimee and pulled her into a hug. Aimee was shocked as Trevor never hugged her. Grace was next. "Don't ever leave again. Or else I'll cut off your cards."

Aimee smiled slightly. She looked at Hannah and smiled.

Aimee walked around the village. She bumped into someone. "Oh. Sorry."

"It's alright. We have a habit of bumping into each other."

Aimee looked up into the eyes of the man she wanted. The man she would seduce. Patrick Blake.

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