08 . the files

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It took three hours of research and three cup of coffees for Blaise and Draco to find out where the File room was located. It was located deep into the Headquarters, as if it didn't want to be found, and Draco suspected that most Union members didn't know it existed.

"How did you find out what it was?" Draco asked Blaise, as they sat huddled together around the mess of papers.

"Heard from that one bloke, Tyler. Not sure how he found out, but I would say Tyler is a reliable source. He'll be a leader one day, that's for sure." Blaise said, leaning against the table. The bags under his eyes revealed that he wasn't getting enough sleep, but he seemed hopeful. 

Draco looked down at the map in his hands. Blaise had gotten his hands on it a while ago, and with a closer look,  it was clear that the file room wasn't an easy room to access; to get there you would have to go through the third door on the left, then the fifth door to your right, and then the 6th door on the left, and then you enter the door in the front of the corridor.

Draco knew the Union Headquarters were big, but this was ridiculous. 

"You ready?" Blaise asked Draco, raising his eyebrows.

"You bet," Draco answered. Together, they apparated right in front of The Headquarters. 

The Headquarters were open to every member of the Union, but after listening to the meeting between the Chief and Master, Draco had decided if it was best to not come strutting into the Headquarters to be seen by everyone.

Instead, he cast a disillusionment charm on himself while Blaise's job was to distract any members roaming the corridors.  

"Make sure you look at every file. I'm guessing we'll find at least something -"  Blaise said.

"Blaise, I know," Draco said, rolling his eyes. Blaise grumbled about something before taking out his wand and tapping the bricks. "This is Blaise Zabini, wanting to speak to Edon."

The bricks disappeared, and Blaise took a step on to the staircase. "Let's do this."

They both started walking down, Draco trying to be extra quiet. Once they reached the bottom, Blaise and Draco parted ways. "Good luck," Blaise muttered.

Draco took a deep breath and started to follow the map's directions. It had taken him a while to memorize, and it took him even longer to finally reach the room. It was pure luck that Draco didn't run into anyone on the way. 

He had heard werewolves from behind some doors, but he never saw one. They were like ghosts - they were there but they never showed themselves. 

Draco's hand gripped the door handle, and then he pushed the door open. He found himself in a dark room. 

"Lumos," Draco whispered. His wandtip lit up, and Draco examined the room.

It was quite small, with shelves after shelves filled with folders. How was Draco going to be able to get through all of them? He grabbed a random file from a shelf and scanned through it. It was a list consisting of all the Union members; each list had thirty names on it with a date scribbled next to it. Draco shut the file, placing it back where it was. 

He started looking through each folder, trying to guess what would help him the most. After reading several folders and finding nothing remotely useful, Draco's hope decreased. He was about to exit the room when a file caught his eye. It wasn't placed like the rest of them, but instead it was sitting on top of a shelf. He picked it up, praying that something useful would be hidden in the pages.

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