09 . the dinner

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The goblet excluded a faint blue smoke as Draco brought it to his lips. Holding his breath, he drank the potion in one mouthful, his insides burning as it went down his throat.

Once that was settled, Draco took his wand and placed charms all over his flat. The wolfsbane potion allowed him to turn in peace, but Draco still had to take precautions. He did not want to take the chance of somehow opening the door and disappearing into the dark night.

He looked out the window. The full moon illuminated the sky, casting moonlight on his floor.

Draco closed his eyes, collapsing on his couch. The prospect of turning made his insides turn. It was not nearly as painful as it had been the first time, but it was still far from enjoyable. Draco gripped the side the couch, waiting for the transformation to start.

And then, it hit him like a rock. Draco was swept off of his feet on the ground. He shuddered, as his whole body turned. His eyes turned bloodshot red, his hands to paws, his skin to fur -

He restrained from howling into the night and he crawled up into a ball. He would be like this all night. There was nothing that disgusted him more.

Draco stared at himself in the mirror. The bags under his eye were prominent, and his skin was sickly pale. He appeared sick; but this was just how he looked post-transformation. Other than that, he looked completely normal. He got ready for work, slipping into his work robes, and he stopped by the coffee shop. After picking up his coffee, he apparated to work. It was a normal day. A normal life.

Theo was sitting on his desk chair when Draco walked in. Theo nodded, but his eyes were focused on the paper in front of him. "What's that?" Draco asked, slipping into his own chair.

"Nothing - it's just the Daily Prophet." He threw the paper to Draco, who caught it.

Draco read the headline out loud. "The caster of the imperious curse still not found - who is it and what was their motive? The questions still remain."

Draco raised his eyebrows. "They're still looking?"

"They have to, don't they? The person is breaking the wizarding law by using an unforgivable curse."

Draco remained silent. He started at the newspaper when Theo interrupted his thoughts.

"How was the - the transformation?" Theo asked, quietly.

"Okay," Draco said shrugging. He did not want to talk about it, but he knew Theo was trying to be nice. He was grateful of course - but he hated describing the experience to anyone. 

The topic did not come up all day and Draco left work in a surprisingly good mood. It had been a quiet day today, and he had barely even left his office.

As he started to walk towards his flat, he felt someone's hands on his shoulder.

"Draco," Blaise said, catching up to him. "I need to talk to you."

"What is it?" Draco asked, surprised to see him.

"It's about your plan. I don't - I don't think it'll work."

"We have to at least try," Draco said, screwing his face up. "I promise, the worst that can happen is us getting in trouble."

"Or executed," Blaise said, darkly. He stopped walking. "Draco, we need to talk to someone else."

"About what? It'll work Blaise  -"

"Don't you - don't you know anyone in the Union that's on our side?" Blaise asked.

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