12 . hermione's help

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The two rapid knocks on the door took Hermione out of her stupor. She stood up, almost tripping over the book on the ground, and hurried to the front door. She opened it, looking up and finding no one. And then she looked down.

Blood covered most of Draco's body. His shirt was soaked with it, as were his arms and face. He wasn't moving.

"Oh my God -" She gasped, forcing herself to find a pulse. She kneeled to the ground, her hands finding the pulse on his neck. He was alive.Hermione let out a sigh of relief before she realized that he was still soaked in blood and unconscious. 

She didn't have time to wonder what the hell had happened to him. All she needed to do now was to help him. She took out her wand, and levitating his body, brought him to the couch.

She shakily took off his shirt, glancing at the gashes on his chest and stomach. Hermione knew what had happened. These kind of marks only appeared when he had been hit with the Cruciatus curse. She swore under her breath, as she fumbled over to the potion cabinet. 

She found the potion she was looking for, and forced it down Draco's mouth. She took her wand, and slowly cleaned the blood off of him. This made it easier for her to see the actual damage done on him.

Aside from the gashes on his chest and stomach, he was also loosing his breathing. Taking her wand and placing it over him, she started to mutter spells. He was going to be okay. He was going to be okay.


"Hey you," Hermione said softly, as Draco stirred awake. He was laying on the couch, under a blanket. He was shirtless, because Hermione didn't want to make him wear his blood soaked shirt again, and also because his body was beautiful (there, she said it.)

Draco smiled slightly, than grimaced. "Ouch. It hurts to smile."

Hermione held his hand, looking into his gray eyes. "What happened, Draco?"

"It's a long story," Draco said weakly.

"Well, lucky for you, Ron is gone for the whole day spending his time with his brother Charlie. You can stay for a while longer."

Draco sighed, looking up at the ceiling. "Granger, it's complicated. I don't want to pull you into any of this."

"You already have," Hermione said softly.

Draco let out a shaky laugh. "This was all unintentional, I assure you Granger. I'm not even sure why I came here. Although, I'm glad I did. I wouldn't have been able to heal myself up."

"I'm happy you came to me. I just want to know how you got like this. Please, I deserve an explanation." Hermione whispered. 

Draco closed his eyes. "Granger, I'm going to tell you. But let me start out from saying that it's a long story."

"I've already told you, I've got time."

Draco let out a deep breath. "Okay. Well, it begins with the day I turned."

And so Draco Malfoy told her. He told her about the Union, and the Chief, and how he wanted revenge. How he wanted to  destroy the Union for turning him into a monster. How he and Blaise had attempted to lure the Chief, and how they had been backstabbed. How he had been tortured for punishment. 

Hermione listened to him intently, holding on to his every word. When he finished, he gave her soft smile. "I know, Granger. I know."

"Draco... I have no words."

Draco sighed, rubbing his eyes. "I just... It's not fair. It's not fair that I'm a werewolf just because the Chief wants to overpower the wizards. It's -"

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