26 . ideas

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After untying Blaise and giving him a plate of food, Draco asked Blaise the main question : "So, do you remember being the Chief?"

Blaise put his fork down, wiping his mouth with a napkin. "It's strange. I remember doing something, but I can't remember what it is. It's like a void in my mind. And what's even weirder is that I didn't even realize that I had those blank memories. I felt completely normal for these past few months, and now that I know that I wasn't normal... It's confusing." Blaise trailed off. 

"It's okay. You're back. But you're going to need to continue fighting it. The Curse sometime wins." Draco said seriously, looking Blaise in the eye. 

"I know, Draco." Blaise responded. 

He took a sip of fire whiskey and leaned back in his char. "Have you told Harry and Hermione?"

"Yes, and Hermione has just informed me via owl that there will be others joining us too."

"Others?" Blaise asked, furrowing his eyebrows.

Draco sighed. "I don't know, but I can guess that Weasley's sister, Longbottom, maybe Lovegood.."

"So the whole Dumbledore's army is going to be showing up, I suppose?"

"I suppose so, yes." Draco said shrugging. "I mean, I don't mind. More Gryffidors to be showing off my house pride."

Blaise looked around Draco's flat. "I've never actually noticed how much damn green and silver you've got in your house."

"It's because you've got a lot too." Draco said, chuckling.

Blaise smiled, which quickly faded . "What if they're mad at me?" He asked worriedly.

"You weren't in the right state when you were the Chief. They won't hate you, I promise."

Blaise sighed. "This is messed up."

"It is indeed," Draco said, taking a sip of his own fire whiskey.

A knock on the door took away his train of thought. "And there's our cue," Draco muttered, standing up and opening the front door.

Hermione stood in the doorway, stepping in. Behind her were approximately 50 people.

"Um - Hermione? Why is the whole population of England on my doorstep?"

"Can't you count Mafloy? There's Harry, Ginny, Luna, Neville, George, Theo and... Ron."

Each person entered as Hermione said their name. Harry grinned, Ginny nodded, Luna gave him a huge smile, Neville gave him a curt nod, George made eye contact, Theo nodded excitedly and Ron simply looked at the floor as he walked in. Draco wondered how hard it was for Harry to convince Ron to come here.

"So why the hell were you keeping this all a secret from me, huh?" Theo demanded, as the others made themselves comfortable. 

"I was doing it for your - uh - protection," Draco said quickly.

Theo patted him on the back. "Well, I'm proud of you man," Slurring his words. 

"Um - thanks. Are you drunk?" Draco asked, raising his eyebrows.

"Just drunk on pride, Malfoy." Theo said, while Blaise showed up from the kitchen. He smiled at Theo and sat besides him, taking a long look at the seven people in the room. "You weren't kidding when you said the whole Dumbledore's army was going to show up," Blaise muttered to Draco quietly. 

Draco pretended not to hear him. "Um - hello everyone," Draco said to the people sitting on his couches. There wasn't enough room, so Harry, Neville, and George sat on the ground. Draco remained standing. He felt like a leader. And then he realized that he technically was the leader. This was all his revenge.

"So, I'm guessing Hermione has caught you guys all up on everything? I really didn't know so many of you guys were gonna show - but thank you. We need all the help we can get. Really, we're at a dead end right now. You all know that Blaise was mistaken to be the Chief. That's not the case. At all

He was impreriused. By the real Chief. Obviously, this was very smart of the Chief. This way, Blaise become our distraction. What we need to figure out now, is how we're going to find the real Chief. And how we're going to kill him."

There was a long pause in the room. Hermione gave Draco an encouraging smile. George had an uneasy look on his face, Harry was deep in thought like Ginny, Luna was staring in the distance, Neville had put his hand under his chin, and Ron was still staring at the floor.

"Um - any ideas?" Draco asked. 

"Are we all presuming that the Chief is also the person casting the Imperius curse on all of these people?" Harry piped up.

There was a murmur in the room. "I think you're right," Neville said.

Ginny patted her boyfriend proudly, while Draco glanced at Hermione. "I think that's true," she said, not leaving his gaze.

"Well, that doesn't get us anywhere," Draco said, trying to hide his frustration. "We need to decide who or where he is."

"What if you found out whose bank account the Union uses for fundings?" Ginny suggested.

"It's the Masters. I think it's safe to think that the Chief gave him gold and then Master put it in his own account."

"What if we tricked the Chief into coming here?" George said.

"Tried that, kind of," Draco said. "I don't think it's safe to do it again."

George's face fell.

"What if we pulled up a list of werewolves in the city?" Theo asked.

"It won't work," Blaise answered. "More than half of the Union's werewolves aren't registered. The Union law prevents it because then the Ministry would suspect why there were so many. I'm confident the Chief isn't registered."

"Are you registered?" Theo asked curiously.

"Yes, and so is Draco."

"Interesting," Luna said dreamily. 

"So... No more ideas?" Draco asked, sighing.

"We're just as confused as you are mate," Harry said.

"What I want to know..." Ron's low voice said for the first time. "How do we know for sure that Blaise isn't under the Curse anymore?"

"I'm sure of it," Draco said confidently. 

Blaise stood up, looking at the crowd. "Look, I don't remember much. I'm just now realizing that I was under the curse. But, I just want to say that I would understand why you don't trust me."

"We trust you," Hermione said, softly. "This isn't you fault. This isn't anyone's fault."

Draco caught Hermione's eyes. "Yeah, she's right." He said nodding.

He saw Ron narrow his eyes and Draco glanced away. "Okay, guys. Let's talk about it from the top."

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