29 . the end

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The battle raged around them as Draco shot spell after spell. He wasn't fully aware of what was going on, but he felt a certain way of euphoria as they all fought the battle. They were winning, which was not surprising. Guards after guards were stunned or jinxed and fell to the floor. By the time Neville stunned the last guard standing, they all looked at each other.

"What happened Draco? Who took you?" Theo asked, while the others nodded in agreement.

Draco sighed and retold the story. Once again, it pained him to say it. When he got to the part where Noah killed Blaise - Draco hesitated. "Um -"

"Blaise came to help Draco," Hermione said for him. "In the process, he was caught by the Chief and killed." 

Theo stepped back. He looked powerless, his arms hung by his side, and his eyes empty. "Are you sure?" He whispered.

Draco nodded, resisting the urge to sob. "He died while trying to save me."

"More reason to kill that son of a bitch," Ginny said, flipping her hair. "We need to find Noah."

"You took the words right out of my mouth," Draco said.

The sound of someone appartating came suddenly. Draco turned to the sound to see the four leaders, all of them grabbing someone. Draco let out a shout, but it was too late. Olcan had grabbed Hermione; Edon had grabbed Harry; Farkas held on to Ginny; Kurt had grabbed Ron.

"I've been waiting for this moment for far too long," Kurt said, laughing. "The battle has begun, and you're to lose."

"Never," Draco said, and he brought his wand in front of him, holding it steady.

"Let them go," He said calmly.

Edon laughed. "It won't be that easy Draco Malfoy."

"Let my brother and sister go," George said angrily. He tried to reach them, but Neville held on to him. "Don't," he said to George.

Draco thought about his chances. They weren't outnumbered, but all four of the leaders were extremely powerful. He didn't like the sound of that. 

"Just take me," Draco said desperately. "You only want me, so have me. I don't care."

"No," Hermione shouted. "Forget about us, Draco! Go find the Chief and kill him! It's the only way."

"I'm not leaving you behind," Draco said, shaking his head firmly. He looked sideways to George,Neville, Luna, and Theo. He nodded slightly. Three. Two. One. "Now!" He shouted. 

Draco fired a stunning curse to Olcan. It missed, but it gave Hermione a chance to escape from his grip. She turned around, pulling him in a headlock. "Stupefy," She said, as Olcan fell.

Draco turned. Someone had screamed. Edon had fired a blasting curse on Luna and she fell to the floor, whimpering. "Luna!" Neville cried, hurrying up to her. He fired a blasting curse to Edon back, but he deflected it, laughing. 

Meanwhile, Harry and Ginny were fighting Farkas, who was way more agile than he would appear to be. Theo, Ron, and George were all fighting Kurt.  They seemed to be winning, but when Kurt sent a killing curse very close to Theo, Draco fired a very effective Bogies curse at him. 

Kurt's face slowly became unrecognizable while Theo kicked his face. Draco turned to Farkas, who Harry had just sent a spell that Draco recognized immediately. Sectumsepra.

Blood soaked through Farkas's clothes like it had four years ago in the Hogwart's bathroom. Draco took a deep breath. Only Edon remained. He was holding Ron, who he had somehow gotten ahold of. Ron didn't look scared. Instead, he was staring at Draco. "Leave me," he said. "You don't need me to get to Noah."

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