28 . the escape

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Hermione knocked for what she felt was like the twentieth time. She sighed, knocking on the door one last time.

Draco finally opened it. He was still in his work clothes and his hair was messy. He smiled when he saw her. "Hey," he said softly.

"Finally," Hermione said, stepping in. She took of her cloak and smiled, leaning in and kissing her lightly. Draco looked taken aback, but he smiled none the same. 

"So? Why're you here?" Draco asked her.

Hermione collapsed on the couch. "Well, you called me. I'm not sure what happened but when I picked up I didn't hear anything. So, I decided to check on you."

"Oh, I must have dropped it," Draco said, shifting his position. "How was work?"

"Bland. I'm also just simply annoyed at home because my parents seem to think that it was wrong of me to drop Ron. Their words, not mine. They keep telling me how much they loved him. They'll come around." She glanced at Draco, who was looking at the ground. Strange. She had thought that he would offer her to live with him again. She was planning on saying yes.

"Draco?" She asked. 

He looked up, smiling. "Yeah?"

"Nothing... I just love you."

He hesitated for a moment. "I love you too, Granger."

Hermione frowned. Something was definitely wrong there. Every time she had said that to him, he hadn't hesitated a second. And he always called her by her first name when he did.

"So, I was thinking. We should go to that park again sometime. The one you took me on our first date. Do you know what the name was? I forgot." Hermione said, playing with her ring. 

Draco fumbled with his words. "I don't quite remember."

Hermione reached for her wand. He didn't see the stunning spell coming from a mile away.

She got up and held his face, looking into his eyes. It looked like Draco, but in a world where Polyjuice potion existed, you could never be sure.

She tied him up with rope and put him in a chair like she had seen Draco do so long ago. She then went into Draco's potion cabinet and pulled out the truth potion. There was barely any left but Hermione only needed to ask him two questions.

She dipped the potion into his mouth. "Rennervate," She said, pointing her wand to his chest.

He opened his eyes, looking disoriented. 

"Are you Draco Malfoy?" She asked him calmly.

"No," he replied.

"Where is he?" 


Draco waited for the tears to come, but they never showed. He was frozen in panic and terror, as he stared at Blaise's dead body.

He closed his eyes, trying to shut out the pain his head.

Blaise was saving him. He had died because Draco was trapped here. Blaise was dead because of Draco. It was simple.

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