25 . the second interrogation

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Draco watched the interrogation happen from behind the mirror. He was watching intently,  his arms crossed and concentrating hard.

"What's the update?" Harry asked from behind him. He was sitting on the floor and eating a donut. Draco rolled his eyes. 

"I can't hear anything, obviously. But it looks serious. I'm guessing Azkaban."

Harry counted on his fingers. "That means seven," He said, excitedly.

"Seven what?" Draco asked.

"Seven people I've sent to Azkaban. But honestly, this one counts as three. We've been looking for him for ages. I can't believe I finally found the person who was casting everyone under the imperious curse," Harry said, speaking with pride. 

"Oh look," Draco said, watching as Joel Smith was taken out of the room, flanked by two guards.

"What happened?" Harry asked Kinglsey Shaklebolt, who exited the room after them.

"It's strange," Kinglsey said in a confused voice. "He denies he did it. I even gave him some truth potion. He hasn't done it."

Harry furrowed his eyebrows. "That doesn't make any sense," he said. "We saw him cast the spell on someone, and his wand is definitely the one that's been casting all the curses."

"That is strange..." Draco said, thinking hard. "Do you have any theories?" He asked Kingsley.

"Plenty, but only one makes sense. What if the person really responsible cast an Imperius curse on Smith? We've seen how skilled he is at the curse. It's highly possible. Maybe he wanted to be in the clear so he sent a decoy?"

Harry nodded seriously. "That certainly makes sense. How will we know for sure, though?"

"We'll interrogate him again with truth potion. We'll ask him if he has blank memories. It's also important to trigger some emotional feelings for him, so that he can get out of the curse. That's why we'll be asking his wife to join us. Mr. Malfoy, something wrong?" Kingsley asked, looking at Draco's curiously. 

For Draco had a strange, blank look on his face. "I - I'm fine," He mumbled. "I need to go." He turned on his heels and practically ran to Hermione's office. He opened it without knocking first, and saw that she was talking to someone. He paused, taking a deep breath. "Sorry - to interrupt. Hermione, I really need to talk to you."

Hermione looked from Draco to who he saw was now Luna Lovegood. "Hi Draco! How are you?" She asked.

"I'm fine," Draco said, blankly. "Hermione, a word?"

"I think Draco really needs to talk to you. I'll leave you two alone," Luna said, practically swaying out of the room.

"Draco, what is it? You look like you've seen a ghost."

"Blaise isn't the Chief. He's just a decoy Hermione.  The real Chief, he, she is still out there. We need to find them! And we need to get Blaise out of the Imperius curse, because Hermione, I think that's what it is. Blaise was imperiused by the real Chief. He's been sent as a decoy. It all makes sense now. We need to capture him. So we can take the spell out. It's the only way."

Hermione didn't look unnerved. She stood up, grabbing her cloak. "Let's do it the easy way this time. I'll ask Harry for his cloak."


Draco waited for several minutes under the cloak. It felt like eternity because Draco's heartbeat was beating so fast. Blaise wasn't the Chief Blaise wasn't the Chief Blaise wasn't the Chief.

His best friend wasn't the Chief.

When he finally exited from the door, Draco took his wand out of his pocket and pointed it at him. "Stupefy," he whispered. The spell shot out of his wand and hit Blaise in the back. Draco did not care that they were people looking at the fallen Blaise. He grabbed Blaise and disapparted before anyone could say a word.

He did the same thing that he had with Master. He put Blaise in a chair, and tied him up. He then pulled up a chair and sat facing Blaise.

"Rennervate," he said, pointing to Blaise's chest. Immediately, Blaise opened his eyes. He blinked. 

"Draco Malfoy," Blaise said, sneering. "Why may I ask am I here?"

"Because I've captured you," Draco asked, crossing his arms. "And I'm about to fix you."

"There's nothing wrong with me Draco," Blaise said smiling now. "What are you going to try and fix? My love for being a werewolf?"

"The Blaise Zabini I know would never say that. He hated them. He hated them more than he hated his mother's several husbands. He wouldn't go near Professor Lupin's office for days when Snape let it out that he was a werewolf. He cried the first time he turned. And he, deep down, hated - hates -  the Chief as much as I did. 

I was with you the night we turned, remember? I remember it like it was yesterday. You were scared. You were scared to death, Blaise. And I tried to make you feel better. Because you were my best friend. That's what we do, Blaise."

"You're wrong," Blaise said, shaking his head. "Don't you get it. I - LIKE - BEING - A - WEREWOLF."

"You can say it louder and I still won't believe you. Because Blaise, this isn't you. And I knew that the second I read your name next to that wand. You could never be the Chief. Never."

"Well, doesn't it suck when you turn out wrong?" Blaise asked, softly.

"But I'm not wrong, Blaise. Please look into my eyes. And tell me you're the Chief."

Draco met Blaise's eyes, and he looked into Draco's gray eyes intensely. "I am the Chief," he whispered. 

"You're lying," Draco said. "I see it in your eyes. Blaise, don't you get it? You're under the Imperius curse! Snap out of it!"

"I'm not under any type of curse!" Blaise shouted. 

"You are! Just admit it! Think back to your last few months. Do you have any periods of blank memory? Do you not know why some things are the way they are? Damn it Blaise don't you understand?" Draco said frustrated, He got up from his chair, pacing the room. "Think! Think! I know you're smart. You know this can't be real. I know you're in there Blaise. I know it."

He stopped, looking at Blaise curiously. He wasn't saying anything. He was thinking.

"I'm right, aren't I?" Draco asked, stepping closer to him.

Blaise closed his eyes and opened them again. "I don't understand."

"You don't have to Blaise. Because I'll get you of it. Please, think. Think to past memories. Memories you know are real. Hold on to them and don't let go. Blaise you have to fight it. Do you hear me? You have to fight it Blaise!"

Blaise took several deep breaths. He was practically shaking now. Draco put his hand on Blaise's shoulder. "Please, remember," Draco whispered.

Blaise opened his eyes. He shook his head slowly. "I can't Draco," He said.

"Try. Blaise, remember the times we would stay up late at night studying for tests. Remember the time we snuck out at night and played Quidditch. Remember the time that we hid from Mcgongoall in that broomstick closet for hours. Blaise, remember out Hogwarts days. And how fun they were."

Blaise looked up at Draco. And Draco could have sworn he saw it. A spark in his eye.

"I'm not under the curse anymore," Blaise whispered. "I can feel it. I'm fighting it Draco. I feel so much lighter.. It's over."

And Draco could see in his eyes that he wasn't lying. Draco took a deep breath of relief. "Merlin Blaise. You're finally back."

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