23 . the date

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"I thought you said you were getting us coffee?" Draco said, as he opened the door for Hermione to come in. She was holding a bag of takeout, smiling broadly.

"Well, I realized that it was lunch time and we could have Chinese instead." She put the bag down and put her arms around Draco's neck.

"And besides, we never actually do anything together except for drink coffee."

Draco laughed. "That's true, I suppose. But I love coffee."

"I know you do," Hermione said, kissing him lightly. "Now, let's eat. I'm starving."

She took her hands off of Draco's neck and opened the bag, peering inside it. "Smells delicious," 

Draco smiled, taking the bag from her and taking the contents out of it. He gave one bowl to her and one from him. They ate for a few minutes in silence. 

"So, I was thinking," Draco said, finishing his noodles, "We've never actually been on a date."

"Huh, I guess you're right," Hermione said, finishing hers as well. "What do you want to do?"

"Something romantic," Draco said thoughtfully.

Hermione grinned. "I wouldn't think of you as someone romantic."

"Oh, Granger, I'm the most romantic person I know. In our fifth year, I set up a very nice picnic for this one sixth year girl on her birthday. I had stolen some goods from the kitchen and everything was perfect. I think all she gave me was some chocolate frogs."

Hermione laughed. "Okay. We can go wherever you want. Just tell me the date and time."

"I'll figure it all out soon. Now, I also wanted to tell you something else."

"Yeah, and what's that?" Hermione asked. 

"I'm going to confront Blaise."

Hermione's expression hardened. "When?"

"I don't know exactly. But soon. I see him around at work and I see him and Theo laughing. He's just... so normal. But the problem is that I know he isn't. And it's killing me."

"Good luck," Hermione said softly.

Draco smiled. "I love you."

"I love you too, Draco," Hermione said.

She kissed him before she left, closing the door behind him. Draco couldn't stop smiling as he cleaned up the kitchen.


Tonight. Seven. Come to my place. We'll be going to the rosewood park, but still dress nice. I would go to yours, but Weasley would probably kick me all the way to Paris.

- D.M

Draco took the note that he wrote and entered Hermione's office. Draco knew she was at a meeting, so it wasn't difficult slipping the note into one of her papers.

Leaving quickly, he slipped back into his own office. Theo was sitting at his desk. He was cleaning it out, placing everything in a large box. He was moving, having been promoted. 

"I'm going to miss you mate," Draco said, taking a seat in his chair.

"I'll only be a few rooms over. You can come over anytime." Theo grinned. 

Draco nodded, smiling sadly.

"Oh! I almost forgot," Theo said. "Noah told me to tell you to go to the meeting happening in room 43."

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