27 . the truth

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(author's note: thank you so much for getting so far! this story is coming to an end, and i can't believe it. for those of you who are still reading, thank you so much. please, please comment telling me what you think of it so far. thank you guys <3)

Unfortunately (but not surprisingly,) the eleven of them didn't come up with anything. They brainstormed for a while, but each idea they had was even more absurd than the last. Finally, as they all thinned out, Hermione pulled Draco to the side. 

"Hey," She said, smiling.

"Hey. How are you? It was hard to communicate to you with just my eyes with Ron watching... Also, how is that?" Draco asked, holding her hand in his. 

"He hasn't talked to me since. He hasn't talked to anyone since. I don't even think Harry knows. But he's here, and so that's a start."

"I guess," Draco said, scratching the back of his neck.

"So, I wanted to give you this. Consider it a late Christmas present," Hermione said, taking something out of her pocket. Draco recognized it immediately. 

"You're giving me a phone?" Draco asked.

"Yep. It's useful, I promise. They're much more efficient than owls. And, this way, you can text me all the time if you want."

Draco smiled. "Thank you. But I have no clue how to use this thing."

Hermione laughed. "Don't worry. Here -"

She strarted going through the different features that it had. Draco tried to remember them all, but honestly, he knew he was going to forget everything in five minutes.

"Anyway, just use this to contact me. And..." She glanced around. Ron had left. The only people still there were Harry, Ginny, and Blaise. The three of them were talking animatedly. She stood up on her tiptoes and gave him a quick kiss.

"I'll see you later, okay?"

"Okay." Draco said, smiling.


Draco's new partner was a young woman named Lyla who had just graduated. He was quite confident that she had flirted with him for than once in the span of four minutes of him knowing her. Trying to escape her flirty laughs, Draco excused himself from the office that he now shared with her.

He went to the break room, which was crowded with the normal witches and wizards on break. After grabbing a donut, he decided to talk to Noah to see if he could have his own office. The thought of sharing with Lyla for more than a day revolted him. 

He knocked on Noah Murray's door more than once, waiting impatiently for him to answer. When he didn't, Draco slowly pushed the door open.

He was talking to himself, muttering quickly. His hair was a mess and his robes were on the wrong way. And his eyes. Draco swore he could have imagined it, but they were bright blue.

Draco took a sharp intake of breath and hurriedly stepped out. He leaned against the door, shaking. 

Was Noah a werewolf? He had heard that when a werewolf was exceptionally emotional, then their eyes could turn blue for a short amount of time. It was rare, and it had never happened to Draco before.

But had it happened to Noah?

He took out his cell phone that Hermione had given him and tried to call it. It was late now, around six. Most people were gone, and Hermione must be one of them.

The call wouldn't go through. Cursing under his breath, Draco remembered how Hermione had told him that the phone didn't work when it was surrounded by a lot of magic. He walked quickly to the exit of the Ministry, his fingers wrapped around his wand and his new phone.

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