21 . realizations

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(author's note: thank you so much for reaching 400 reads! I would love it if you guys would comment and give some feedback of what you think of the story. I love you guys <3)

It seemed impossible, crazy and especially insane. But the more Draco pondered over it, the more it made sense.

That was why Blaise had been stunned the day Draco got the Chief's wand. He had asked Olcan to stun him, and while Draco, Harry, and Hermione weren't paying attention, he had appeared approximately twenty feet across from them on the street disguised as the Chief.

In fact, as Draco remembered more, he had never seen Blaise getting tortured like Draco had. His bruises and scratches could have been fake. Draco wasn't the reason Olcan knew about the plan. He had already known; Blaise had told him and the others as well.

But how did Blaise know that there was something going on between Draco and Hermione? He must have been spying on them somehow - the thought made him sick.

The whole thing made him feel sick.

He had been faking it since day one. Ever since Draco had knocked on his door after he had listened to the Chief and Master's meeting. Of course. That was why Blaise had taken forever to open the door. He had been busy removing his disguise, as he had just came back himself.

Draco couldn't remember how he got there, but he now realized that he was on the floor, shaking. Hermione knelt besides him, holding his hands.

"Draco, there has to be some other explanation for this," she said softly, as if he was a child.

"No, there isn't," Draco said, closing his eyes. Slowly, (and painfully) Draco told Hermione all that he had realized. By the end of his story, small tears were falling down her face.

"Blaise wouldn't do this to us," she whispered.

"The Blaise we know wouldn't do that to us, but he isn't our Blaise anymore. He's someone else. Someone twisted and cruel. He's changed. He's changed when he became a werewolf and he was so good at hiding it no one realized. No one realized, Hermione. Can you believe it? My best friend, someone I trusted with all my heart, is the one that I've been looking to kill.

But, this doesn't make sense Hermione. He's been helping me. Helping with the plans, helping me find more information... Something doesn't add up. There's defienetly more to the story."

Hermione stared sadly at Draco. "I'm so sorry, Draco. I don't know how he could do that to you."

"Neither do I, Hermione," Draco said, putting his head between his knees. "I mean, I've vowed to kill him. I need to destroy the Union, and this is the only way. But I can't - I can't-"

"And you won't," Hermione said firmly. "You're not going to kill him. We'll find another way."

Draco took a deep breath. "I don't understand, - "

He never got to finish his sentence. Hermione had fiercely put her lips on his in one single, passionate kiss. It ended just as quick it came. Draco gave her a blank look.

"What was that for?"

"For you to calm down. Now, let's go back to the party. And remember, you have to act completely normal."


When they reached the party again, Draco realized how much he hated being here. The only thing he wanted to do at the moment was to go home and update his Mission Board. He wanted to write Blaise Zabini in the blank space under The Chief.  But instead, he found himself walking through the crowds of people dancing, all sweaty and too loud. Suddenly, someone's hand touched his shoulder.

Draco turned around and came face to face with Harry Potter. He was wearing dark green robes, which resembled the shade of his eyes. He looked worried, glancing at Hermione.

"Ron's been looking everywhere for you. I don't know how you're going to lie yourself out of this one. You two have been in the Wand File Room, right? Did you find anything?"

Draco didn't say anything. He couldn't bring himself to say the truth out loud. Thankfully, he did't have to.

"No, we didn't," Hermione said. "What did you say about Ron looking for me?"

"He's been looking for you. He's also unfortunately noticed that Malfoy has been gone too. He thinks there's something going on with you two..." Harry said, dragging out the last words.

Draco and Hermione remained silent. "There's nothing going on between you two, right?" Harry asked, suddenly uncertain.

"No," Hermione said surprised. "Of course not."

Harry smiled. "Good. I just don't think Ron will realize that."

"Speak of the devil," Draco muttered. Ron appeared out of the crowd, practically running up to the three of them. 

"There you are," He said to Hermione, more angry than relieved. 

"I've been here the whole time, Ron," Hermione said, sighing. Ron looked from Hermione to Draco. An anger expression crossed over his face. "Malfoy - "             

Before Draco could respond, Ron's fist was heading for his jaw.

Draco didn't see it coming it all. Ron's wrist made contact with his jaw hard, knocking Draco out of balance. He held his hand to his mouth, staring angrily him. 

"What the bloody hell was that for?" He shouted as Hermione hurried towards him. Harry turned towards Ron, talking lowly to him. A crowd had formed around them, after hearing all of the commotion

"Are you -" Hermione started.

"I'm okay," Draco assured her. "Bloody mouth is all. It's him you should be worried about," Draco said, shooting Ron an enraged look. "He's off the bloody rails."

Harry was still in front of him, restraining Ron from hurting him more. But he didn't need to. Ron was done. "I thought you two were -" Ron began. 

"You thought wrong," Hermione answered for him. Draco frowned. Why wasn't Hermione telling him the truth? Hadn't they decided that they would tell him eventually?

As if reading his thoughts, Hermione turned around, giving him a not-today expression. Draco nodded, and then looked up at Ron.

"You're bloody crazy," he said.

"So are you, ferret," Ron hissed.

Draco laughed. "Good-bye Weasel. I've had enough of this party. Merry Christmas everybody." He looked up at the crowd of people around them. They were starting to thin out.

Hermione then opened her mouth to say something, but Draco was already leaving.

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