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Lance Evans sat in the doctor's office waiting for his results. He came in a week ago because he was experiencing awful headaches. They took multiple tests. He's been waiting for a whole week to find out.

An hour had passed before the doctor came in. He looked so sad. Lance was worried, he didn't want to know the results.

"Lance, I'm sorry I have to be the bearer of bad news."

Lance's stomach came into a knot. His mouth got dry, and his hands began to sweat.

"I'm afraid you have a brain tumor. It's been there for a while now. The size of it." The doctor just shook his head.

"What can you do to help me? "

Lance's words were weak, and he felt dizzy. He didn't know whether to lie down or just sit.

"I'm sorry Lance, but there isn't much we can do. The tumor is too big. There are risks if we operate, you could have permanent brain damage."

Lance tried to stand up, but he fell. The last thing he heard was the doctor yelling for help. Then he blacked out.

Lance's Dream

He was standing in the middle of a field. He could see the starry sky up above him. This is what he loved, he loved the night. It's so quiet and peaceful. He always camped out when he found the time.

He walked through the tall grass feeling the cool breeze against his face. He heard something, it sounded like a woman calling him. He turned around, and there she was.

She was the most beautiful girl he'd ever seen. They ran to each other, and when they reached each other, he held out his hand. She accepted it. They started dancing, as it began to rain.

They danced and laughed together. They collapsed on the ground and lay beside each other kissing. They were at peace.

He asked her, her name, and then he woke up.

*end of the dream

"Lance, Lance are you okay?"

He heard the doctor ask frantically. He came to, and he explained everything. They did some more tests, and they found that the tumor had grown.

"Am I going to die?" He asked with pain in his eyes.

"I don't know Lance. At the rate, your tumor is growing, and whether or not you want the surgery, depends on the circumstances."

"What's your estimate?"


"If you want my opinion, you may only have 3 years, at most."

Lance couldn't believe his ears. Only 3 more years to live. He was heartbroken.

The drive home was awful. He had only the estimated time on his mind. Three years. That was it. He didn't know what he was going to do. Three years. He knew one thing for sure.

He was going to find his dream girl.

Hey, guys, it's me. This is the new book I'm writing. I've had this one on my mind for a while now, but I've never written it. This chapter is important. You guys needed to know this about Lance. Thank you all for reading my books. I hope you enjoy this one.

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