Chapter 1

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One Year Later

Sasha's POV

Today is the first day of the rest of my life. Well, at least the next four years of it. I am at my new college. I'm studying Music Therapy. I've always loved helping people. I also love music. So this way I can combine both of my passions into one.

I walk into my class and everyone is so excited. They all sit and talk, while I'm just in the back of the class with my head in my book. The professor walks in, and he silences the class.

He is in the middle of the lesson when there is a knock at the door. When he answers it, I see the most handsome guy I have ever seen in my life. The professor tells him to sit in the empty seat in the back. I look around and the only empty seat is next to me.

I watch him walk by, he has the strongest jawline I've ever seen. He has black hair and blue eyes. I swear I could stare at them for hours. He is very built. He must work out.

He sits beside me and he stares. I can't help but blush. He grins and faces forward. I couldn't help but look at him from the corner of my eye. All of a sudden that calm and cool look became shock and awe.

After class was over I decided to find the dark-haired boy. I needed to talk to him. He seemed so surprised by something in class today. The strange thing is, he didn't seem that way until he saw me.

Lance's POV

I saw her! I can't believe I saw her! The girl from my dream. I've dreamed of her every night since my results. I've found her, I know I have.

She is so beautiful with her long blonde hair and blue eyes. She is so breathtaking. She blushed when I caught her staring. I like seeing her flustered. I didn't talk to her before I left and immediately regretted it afterward. I have no idea where she could be now.

I decided to forget about the beautiful girl, and focus on trying to find my next class. I was getting my schedule out of my backpack when I bumped into someone. We both hit the floor, and when I looked up I couldn't believe who it was.

It was her! The beautiful girl from my dream! I saw her again. She was trying to get up. I came to my senses and offered her my hand. She happily accepted it as she smiled and blushed again. Her smile melted my heart. I swear I felt a jolt of electricity up my arm as I held her hand.

When I pulled her up, she introduced herself.

"Hi, my name is Sasha. It's nice to meet you. I'm so sorry I ran into you. I'm very clumsy."

"No, no it was all my fault. I wasn't watching where I was going. I'm Lance by the way."

"It's nice to meet you, Lance. Where were you going?"

"I was trying to find out my next class. I was looking for my schedule, and that's when I bumped into you."

I gave her a little wink. She blushed even more. You could light a candle with her face. That's how badly she was blushing.

I chuckled and finally found my schedule. Sasha helped me find my classes. We had three classes together. She was also studying Music Therapy. I play guitar, but I don't want to be a performer. So I did the next best thing for music to make people happy.

We walked together. We didn't talk. I hoped we would get to spend more time together. During our Music Therapy lesson, we were given an assignment. We had to partner up and write and perform a song together.

The professor paired us up. I was the last person to be called on.

"Last but not least is Lance Evans. You will be paired up with Sasha Lake."

I couldn't believe my ears. I'm paired with Sasha! This day couldn't possibly get any better. I looked at her and she was smiling. She waved and I waved back. I like this girl, although I've only just met her.

After class, I caught up with Sasha. We talked about our assignment. We decided to meet up after school in the park. I told her that would be great as I went back to my dorm and get ready.

I took a shower and got dressed. I wore my jeans and a plaid shirt. I put on my sneakers, grabbed my guitar, and headed out the door to the park.

When I got there she was writing in her notebook. She had her headphones in and she was humming. She sounded really good. I wish I knew what she sounded like when she sings.

I sat across from her and she didn't notice me. I didn't want to interrupt her, so I just sat patiently.

She was so beautiful. She was getting into the music. Then she just burst out into song.

She sang a Brantley Gilbert song called You Promised. It was so beautiful. I've never heard anything like it.

She finished and started writing again. She looked at me and quickly removed her headphones. I was grinning at her. She was blushing again.

"How long have you been sitting there?"

I grinned even bigger at her question.

"Oh, you know, only since before you broke out in song."

She laid her head down on the table as I laughed. I placed my hand over hers and when she looked up, she seemed nervous.

"Hey, what's wrong? You don't have to worry about me. I thought it was beautiful."

Her eyes lit up in shock, as she gasped.

"Do you mean that?"

"Of course I do. You sounded so amazing Sasha. I've never in my life heard anyone sound as beautiful as you did just now."

Her eyes lit up as I said that. I meant every word. She sounded amazing.

"Wow, thank you that means a lot. Normally I don't sing in front of people. I'm afraid of them not liking it, or making fun of me."

I couldn't believe my ears. If anyone ever made fun of this beautiful girl sitting in front of me, they would have me deal with it. She seems so sweet and kind. Why would anyone ever make fun of her?

"Well, you don't have to worry about that when I'm around."

She rolled her eyes and laughed. I was being serious. Why didn't she believe me?

"Okay, thanks, but what are you going to do if they do make fun of me?"

"I'll stand up for you. I'll be there Sasha. You are an amazing person. I can already tell. I hope we become friends. If you'll let me."

"I'd like that a lot. Thank you, Lance."

My chest swelled up. I'm so happy she wants to be friends too. We worked on the assignment for a few hours. We had two weeks to do it. We took a break and decided to get some ice cream. We walked up to the stand. I paid for both of us, even though Sasha said she had the money for hers. I didn't mind.

We sat and talked. I liked getting to know her. She told me that she loved to sing. She said she was taking this class so she could help people, and get a career with her love of music. I had no idea that we would have so much in the common.

After a few more hours of working, we decided to call it a day. I walked her to her room and told her goodnight. She hugged me before she walked in. I loved the way she felt in my arms.

I couldn't believe I found her. The girl of my dreams.

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