Chapter 3

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Sasha's POV

What does he mean he's dying? I couldn't believe my ears. My head was spinning, and I felt like I couldn't breathe. No, he couldn't be dying. He couldn't.

"What?" I said breathlessly.

"I'm dying, Sasha. I have a tumor on my brain, and it's just growing. The doctor said the only thing they could do for me is surgery. If they do that, then I could have permanent damage to my brain. I can't take that chance."

"So, you're just gonna give up?"

I was crying by now. I cared for him, and to hear that he was sick and dying made my heart ache.

"You're just giving up? You can't give up Lance. Please don't give up."

He held me in his arms. I don't want him to die. I want him to live, be happy and healthy, and grow old.

"Please don't cry, Sasha. I told you this because I need you to know everything about me. I don't want to keep anything from you. I'm so sorry. You are an amazing girl, and I'm so glad I've met you. You'll never know how much you mean to me."

I looked up at him. Those beautiful blue eyes stared back. I felt a pulling in my chest. I strongly care for him. I couldn't believe how much I care. I've only just met him. How is this possible?

I did something I never thought I'd ever do. I pulled him in, and kissed him. He was surprised at first, but he quickly responded. His lips were so sweet. I don't know why, but I liked it. It was so tender and slow. It was an amazing first kiss.

Lance's POV

She kissed me! I couldn't believe it. Her lips were so soft and delicate. I loved this. Nothing has ever felt this amazing before in my life.

I held her close. She was breathing heavily. We just sat there with our foreheads together. My thumb went across her cheek. She was breathtaking.

"Are you okay?" I asked her.

She giggled before she responded. I love this moment right here with her. I don't want it to end.

"Yes, I'm fine. I'm sorry I just pulled you in like that." She started blushing again.

"No, no it's fine. I don't mind. Can I be honest with you?"

"Yes." She looked a bit confused. Man, she was adorable.

"Haha, I'm glad that you kissed me. I'll admit, I was quite shocked at first. I'm glad you were my first kiss."

I knew I was blushing. She looked surprised.

"You've never been kissed before?"

"No, not before today."

I expected her to laugh. I waited for her to make fun of and taunt me. It never came. Instead, she looked surprised, and a bit happy. Which confused me.

"Lance, you were my first kiss too."

I was speechless. She shied away. I turned her to face me, and I pushed my lips to hers again. She pulled me closer to her. We kissed and it was very enjoyable.

It didn't get past that. I am a gentleman, and I know how to control myself. After we went back to her room, we rehearsed the song a few times, and we watched a movie. She fell asleep in my arms. I tucked her in and made my way out.

I was walking down the hall when I felt a pain in my head. It wasn't too bad. I kept walking, but the more I walked the worse it became. I was halfway through the hall when I fell to my knees.

It was unbearable. I screamed. Everyone came out. I heard someone yelling for me. I looked up and Sasha was kneeling beside me. She yelled for someone to call 911. She held me. I kept hearing her say hold on we're getting help, but I couldn't.

Everything became blurry. Her voice sounded far away. Her arms held me tight. I could smell her vanilla perfume. I saw her face, and she was the last thing I saw before I passed out.

~~At the hospital~~

Sasha's POV

I don't know what to do. I'm so scared. Lance and I were watching a movie. I fell asleep in his arms, and when I woke up I heard screaming. I walked out into the hall, and I saw him on his knees, holding his head.

I knew it was the tumor. I've never run so fast before in my life. I ran through the crowd and held him. He looked at me with his painful eyes. My heart was breaking. I was terrified, I didn't know what to do.

I told someone to call 911. The ambulance came very quickly. They took him, and I followed them to the hospital in my car. They didn't want me in his room, but I told them I'm the only one here for him, and they agreed to let me back.

They connected him to a heart monitor. He looked so broken. I sat beside his bed and held his hand. They were calling his doctor, so they could try to start treatment. There was nothing they could do for him unless he took the surgery.

I know he didn't want to. I know he's afraid of the outcome, but he has to. If he doesn't he'll die. I'm going to try to talk to him, with the doctor, and we're going to convince him he needs this surgery.

I love him. I know I do. I will be here for him no matter what. I don't care if he does have brain damage, I don't want him to, but if he does I'll still love and care for him the same.

Nothing is ever going to change the way I feel about him. I love him, and that's all that matters. I want him to be healthy. I want him to be around for a long time. If that means him getting surgery, then fine. I'm not afraid of what will happen. It's his decision though. I can't make him get the surgery. I just hope he makes the right choice.

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