Chapter 6

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Sasha's POV

"You're Lance," the doctor told him.

Lance looked at us like we were crazy. He looked around the room like he had been doing since he woke up. I was getting really worried about him. He didn't know who he was.

"Why am I in the hospital?"

I almost started crying. He shouldn't have to relive this. All he needs to think about is that he is healthy now. Although, if he does relive this, it may help him remember. On one hand, it's good, but on the other hand, it's not.

"You had a brain tumor. We just finished the surgery a few hours ago. It caused some brain damage, which leads to you losing your memory."

He sat there for a minute. He looked so defeated. I wanted to hug him, hold him, and tell him everything was going to be okay. Then he looked at me with those beautiful eyes. My heart melted for a moment, but all of that ended when he spoke.

"Who are you?"

I waited. I wanted to see him wink. It didn't come through. My heart sank.

"I'm Sasha Lake. I was your partner during our Music Therapy project."

I wanted to tell him we were more than Music Therapy partners. I thought that would be too much right now though. Were we more than that now? I love him, but he doesn't know who I am anymore. He doesn't even know who he is. This was so much. I want him to remember. I want him to know who we are, and I want him to remember what we had, even if it was only a small amount.

"We are in college and we're partners in our Music Therapy course. At first, it was just for our first project, but the professor decided to pair us all up for the whole course. We wrote a song together for the first project. It was called Song Of Love. I wrote the lyrics while you wrote the music."

He was trying, I could tell. I pulled out my phone and played our song.

Come lay down
Right beside me
Sing a sweet
We'll rest our bones
And stay right here
Trust me my darling
There is nothing to fear

Be with me
In my dreams
Cause you and I
We're meant to be
I will love you
Till the end of time
So glad that you are
Only mine

When we wake
I'll see those eyes
And that smile
Oh, how it shines
I can't believe
We're still together
And I'll pray
It'll be forever

So, come lay down
Right beside me
Sing a sweet
We'll rest our bones
And stay right here
Trust me my darling
There is nothing to fear

Trust me my darling
There is nothing to fear.

He closed his eyes as he listened. We both were singing and he was playing the piano. We recorded it after the project was over. We both had it on our phones. At first, we used the guitar, but after he played the piano it sounded even better. He also taught me to play our song.

He opened his eyes, and there was a light in them. He wasn't lost. He just needed help to remember. His blank stare eased. He was almost smiling.

"That was beautiful. We wrote that?"

"Yes, I wrote the lyrics and you wrote the melody. We sang it together."

"Can we sing it now?"

My face got hot. I was nervous to sing in front of strangers, but it was for him. I would do anything for Lance. Especially when it means it helps him. Any small amount helps.

"I'm ready when you are," I told him.

I played the song and started singing with him. It felt so good and so right. He gave it everything he had, and so did I. When we finished, he had his smile back.

"How could I have forgotten a voice like that?"

A small ray of hope hit me. My heart fluttered, and I couldn't control the tears from flowing. I miss him. He's sitting right here in front of me, but I miss him. He held me in his arms.

"I'm sorry."

He looked into my eyes, and I could see the pain. The same pain I saw in my dream. Then the words came back to me.

"I'm not the same man I used to be."

Was he trying to tell me something in my dream? We sat together and talked. I tried to help him remember, but it wasn't working though. The doctor called the college and explained everything. They said he would have to end his studies, he would fall behind and they couldn't reteach him. It angered me. Why would they do that? How could they just give up on him?

Since he wasn't going to be in college anymore they also called his mother to come to get him. He was getting released today. This also meant that I had to go back, without him. He was sleeping now. I held his hand while I still could. I silently cried sitting beside him. I couldn't leave him, I didn't want to. He woke up and noticed I was upset. I tried to hide it, but he was faster than I was and caught me.

"What's wrong?"

I shook my head. I didn't want him to know how I felt.

"Look, I know you have a life. You shouldn't be sitting here with a guy who can't remember anything. I'm useless now, and I'm just a burden."

I was mad now. How could he say that about himself?! He shouldn't think that.

"Stop it, Lance."

"Well, it's the truth. You don't need this. I don't know who you are, and you're sitting here with me. Why?"

"Because I love you!" The words came out before I could stop them.

"You love me? What do you mean you love me?"

"Lance, after we finished our project you brought me to the park. There was a picnic set up. We ate and talked and had a great time. Even though we only knew each other a small amount of time, I've grown feelings for you. I love you Lance, and no amount of time or memory loss will ever change that. I love you, now and forever."

He was laying there looking confused. He closed his eyes, and I knew what he was doing. He was trying to remember. He opened his eyes with tears in them, and soon they were falling like rain.

I held him. I don't care if he doesn't remember me, I held him this time. He squeezed me tight. He sobbed into my shoulder. I rocked him, humming trying to comfort him.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, but I can't remember."

"Sssshhh, stop. It's okay Lance, it's okay," I made him look at me, "listen to me, I don't care what anyone says. I'm going to be here for you no matter what. My number is on your phone. I'm only a call or text away, okay?"

He nodded his head. I wiped his eyes, and I did the unexpected. I kissed him. I kissed him with so much passion. When I let go, he was looking at me wide-eyed. I felt so embarrassed.

"I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have done that."

Then he did something I didn't expect. He grabbed me and kissed me back, hard. I pulled him closer and sat in his lap. We sat there and kissed for a couple of minutes. We caught our breath and he was smiling. He winked at me.

There it was! His wink! My heart skipped a beat and I blushed. His mom came shortly after. Luckily he remembered his mom. They left, and I hugged him before he got in the car. I didn't want to let him go. I felt so empty as I watched the car drive off.

Hey guys, here's the next chapter! I hope you all like it! I tried to leave a hint in here somewhere, I hope you guys catch it. You probably will, it seems too easy to me...
Tell me what you think, please, and thank you!

PS. Oh yeah, and I also rewrote the poem here again haha. Sorry if that was too much.

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