Hugging On Tightly

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"Okay...Harry, Truth or Dare?"

"Erm, Hermione... Please, if it has to do something with Malfoy then-Okay, Dare." 

"I dare you to... Kiss Malfoy-In front of his friends..."

"But-!-Okay, how do I get into Slytherin Common Room?" Harry asked. He sighed as he gave Hermione an unsure look, he then turned to Ron who was snickering under his breath.  

Hermione smiled wider, "you just need to message him."

"How, do I do that exactly?"

"Send him-an owl? Or maybe- Maybe, you can do the dare tomorrow-during Care of Magical creatures. You can kiss him after or during the lesson. Got it?" Hermione explained. Harry cringed, it was 9:45 PM, Professor McGonagall will flip them off if they didn't go to bed soon. "'Mione, it's late... Let's go to bed."

"Ron?" Harry asked, Ron was already walking up the stairs, he sighed as he said goodnight to Hermione. He walked into the Dormitory, "Ron? Ron?" Harry asked. Neville, Dean and Seamus were all sleeping. Ron was sitting on his bed looking shameful.

"Ron? Are you, okay?" Harry asked, he sat down on the bed with him. 

"Harry... If you like Malfoy... I'm just a little scared that maybe-Maybe he'll you know, bring you to Voldemort."

"Malfoy's too much of a coward to even put me in a trap! No sweat, Ron... C'mon time for bed."

Harry walked over to his bed and laid on it. He sighed as he watched Ron stare at the ceiling,Harry could see the stress in his eyes.  Harry's thoughts drifted to the day that was ahead of him, Care Of Magical Creatures... was after Potions. Ugh, Potions, Snape...

He finally drifted off to sleep. 


Harry walked into the dungeons with Hermione and Ron. "Everybody...Sit, down and be quiet." Snape said in his usual drawling tone. "Now... Today you'll be making a Love Potion... I'm putting the main primary ingredients to start it off. Then I want you to, write down what your Potion smells like on a piece of parchment. Then, I want you to guess who that person is that you're smelling..."

Snape and Love Potions? This wasn't a particularly normal lesson-was it? "Remember, only one hour..."

Harry started putting the ingredients in their order one by one. He caught Malfoy's eye and quickly turned around, "Erm, Harry?" Ron asked "what does your one smell like?"

"Er, I'm not sure...Hold on...Just one more ingredient." Harry put the final ingredient in the cauldron, and sniffed it. He recorded down what he thought it smelled like. As he looked at the list, he was slightly shocked on what the results were.

Green Apples

Sweat and Tears


Parchment from the restricted section

Wizard's Cologne

Slytherin Tie

"Er...Ron, what does your one smell like?"

"Um, books, rose and lily perfume, woods and... parchment. Yours?"

"Who do you think it is?"

"Um... Books, Perfume... The Woods... Parchment-Hermione."

"Mine is Green Apples, Sweat and Tears, Dungeon, Parchment from the restricted section, Slytherin Tie and Wizard's cologne."

"Hmm, yours is tough, Harry. But-Cologne? Cologne is only for men... So, you're not in love with a girl?"

Harry was also partly confused, but this means he's in love with a boy. He tried writing down who'd smell or visit that certain place often... Should even be in love with someone? Harry never really fancied anyone-unless you count Cho. 

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