Heart Beats As One

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I walk around Hogwarts for a while. I'm having eyes upon me everywhere I turn, I feel lonely a little. I checked every hall- Draco isn't here. Why? Was it something I said? I sigh as I enter the Common Room. I searched for at least two hours, trying to find Draco. No use.

I plop myself down on an armchair and Hermione comes in with Ron from the Fat Lady. They looked relieved and worried, "where were you, Harry?" Hermione asks taking a seat opposite mine.

"I was searching for someone. Draco."

"Again, Harry? With Draco? I mean-"

"Hermione, you don't get it! I love him!"


Ron glares at me. "That explains the passionate kissing." He mumbles, I blush. I stare at the two, they don't get it. They wouldn't care. They won't understand how I'll feel. Say. Do.

"Stay away from him, Harry," Ron warns me. "He's a Death Eater, can't be trusted!"

Hermione nods in agreement, I groan as I start my Potions Essay. I try to concentrate but I'm distracted. Where is he? I want to see if he's okay until- I see a brown barn owl swoop through the window. The owl, lands on the coffee table. It sticks out its leg to me... I open the letter:

Dear Harry,

Mrs. Weasley reported our "kiss" to my parents. We're not able to be friends anymore, my parents said I've disappointed the Pure Blood families. I'm sorry, Harry. But- can we please be friends still? We can keep it a secret. I'm at a meeting right now. All Professors know where I am. Just don't ask them, please. Mrs. Weasley is now keeping an eye on you from what I hear. I'm coming back after Potions. I'll see you then.



My heart beat fast. Potions were just before COMC. "What is it?" Hermione questioned.

"N-Nothing," I say as I walk up to the Dorm to get ready for classes "you don't need to worry." Harry put on his robes and walked to Potions.

As the Gryffindors entered the room, Slytherins glared. "Today," Snape said "I want you to create a Healing Potion. Since Voldemort has returned I want you all to know the remedy and ingredients and test it on these hamsters who, Professor Hagrid found."

He wrote the ingredients on the board, they followed. Hermione was already half-done I looked at where Draco usually sits-he wasn't there. 

I was glad the lesson ended. I was dying to see Draco again, then I hear whispers...

"Did you hear? Harry Potter kissed Malfoy on a dare, then Draco did it back, also on a dare, Potter thinks their friends but Draco's just acting..."

"Really? I heard Malfoy loved Potter but Harry is acting his love for him back."

"No! I heard Harry went out with Draco, then ditched him and called him a prat."

I ignored the gossip and went to COMC.


Harry arrives. Slytherins do too. "Now! Today, I want all of yer just to have some fun. Got that?"

Everyone nodded. Harry looked at the Slytherin crowds to see if he'd turn up. "Now, I want all of yer to examine these fellows over here- Pegasus!"

A loud mumble and whispers filled the class, "I want you to examine them and study. No training, yet!"

Harry got out his blank journal and started writing about the features and drawing a picture of it. But it ended up to look like a fat chubby horse with small wings and small uneven eyes. He sighed as he kept on writing. Then there was a burst of talking from the Slytherins, Draco came onto the field and was surrounded by Slytherins who wanted to hear gossip and the truth. Harry tried to come over but Hermione kept on mouthing to do it after class where they can talk in private.

Ron spotted Lavender Brown and dug his face pretending to study, "Won-Won!" she cried, hugging him. 

"I told you, Lavender I'm with Hermione!"

Lavender winced as she walked over back to her friends. Harry hears footsteps near him, he sees Pansy. "What do you want, Parkinson?" Harry asks in a rough tone.

"I just came here to stay away from Draco! He doesn't love you! He loves me and I love him back, and I'll be a better person to him than you were to him." Pansy said teasingly. Harry went slightly pink, he ignored her and didn't say a single word.


Draco's POV:

Harry pulls me away from his friends and mine into an empty hallway. "Harry I'm sorry I-"

I notice him trying to fight back tears. I use my hand to lift his chin up to look at me, I wipe away a tear. He instantly put his head back down not even looking at me. "Draco... I'm sorry, but I didn't want to drag you into these rumors. I'm sorry. We can't be friends."  He managed to choke up.

He pushed passed me, walking away quickly in tears. I stood there heartbroken I felt like the world just threw me out and put me in darkness. I walk back to the Slytherin Common Room feeling like 567 Pounds are on my shoulders. I sigh as I sit down, watching the flames of the frie dance around and give warmth.

"Dracooooooo!" Pansy called to me. Ugh, she's so annoying. She used her hands to cover my eyes "Guess whooooo?"

"Pansy. Stop."

"Guessed right, Drakey!" She planted a kiss on my cheek and hugged me. I give no expression. I just stare at the fire. "Soooo. I heard you and Potter broke up."

"How did you know?"

"Drakey. It's Hogwarts, gossip spreads fast. Besides we have talking paintings." She clutched my arm tightly. I groan. How does her family deal with her?

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