Draco's Doing.

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Harry walked down to the Great Hall, like always eyes were upon him. Draco caught his eye and then they smiled at each other, Harry sat down on Gryffindor Table. He piled his plate with a little food since he didn't really want to eat much, Hermione sat down, opposite him looking stressed and sad. "Hermione, what's wrong?"

Hermione looked up at him, her eyes filled with tears. "It's Ron... He got half of his memory wiped and he can't even remember who I am. Or you are anymore..."

Harry almost choked on his toast. "How did he get his memory wiped?"

"I...I don't know."

Harry saw Hermione bursts into tears, Harry got up and went to the other side of the table and hugged her. Draco saw this and tried to glare at Harry but instead gave him a disappointed look. 

"Hermione, where is he now?"

"He's in St Mungo's... I heard the news when I was passing by Professor Snape."

"Can we visit him?It is Saturday."

"I tried asking Professor McGonagall but I bursts into tears before I could even reach her door. Oh, Harry... I'm so worried-what if we never see him again?"

"Do you think it was Voldemort?"


"I think Voldemort wiped Ron's memory so he couldn't help us defeat him. So Voldemort could get closer to me."

"That's one reason...I suppose."

Hermione stopped crying and changed the subject. "Harry, you know how you kissed Malfoy, yesterday-I mean... What if he's only being friends with you, so he can get you to Voldemort. He is a Death Eater, I mean...So-"

"Why does everyone think he's a bad person?" Harry half-shouted. Everyone stared at him, he blushed as he stormed off angrily, pushing through crowds. Harry went into the open, where the Black Lake was. Draco was leaning against a tree and watch Harry stare at the Lake. Harry sighed, he felt the presence of someone, he turned around and Malfoy was there. Draco walked over to him and sat down, "What's wrong, Harry?"

"Ron's memory got wiped..."


"Anyway, tomorrow is Valentine's Day."


"Who's your Valentine?"

"I'm not sure, Harry... Maybe you?"

"Ha. Same here." Draco hugged him, Harry smiled. Hermione found them, still teary and red eyed.

"Harry. We can visit, Ron! C'mon!" 


"Yes! Now c'mon!"

Harry instantly stood up, Draco gave him a pouty look, Harry sighed. "Can Draco come too?"

"F-Fine! COME ON! Professor said we only have 3 Hours!"

They rushed into the Hogwarts Travel Fireplace and used Floo Powder. As they arrived, the rest of the Weasleys were there, once they saw Draco they looked confused. Draco did look nervous around them. Harry huddled around Ron, the nurses and doctors all gazed at Harry's scar. Harry gazed into Ron's eyes. "W-Who are you guys?S-Stay a-away from me! Strangers! Help!"

Mrs Weasley was crying into her husband's shoulder and Fred and George were comforting Ginny's sobs. Percy wasn't here at all which surprised Harry a lot. Hermione was clutching Harry's arm softly and tears trickled down her face. Harry, too, was fighting back tears. Draco was sitting far away from the, Harry sighed and sat next to him.


Harry comes over to Draco. He is suddenly filled with hope again. Draco, smiled. Harry hugs him. "You okay, Dragon?"

"No. They don't want me here Harry."

"But I do."

They lean in for a strong kiss. He melted into the kiss, feeling great again feeling like he was alive. Hermione and the Weasleys turned to see Harry and Draco kissing. Mrs Weasley looked shocked, Hermione almost choked up a laugh. Ginny looked so heartbroken. Fred and George smirked at each other. Harry and Draco released, they saw their audience and Draco instantly got up and left to get back to Hogwarts.

"Draco! Wait!" Harry tried chasing after him. But he was gone.

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