It's You I Want

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*@iamTHATgirlxx and @HPheadgirl requested some of these scenes, I thank them both. ENJOY!!!This chapter will be happier. I just wanted a little happiness before I write the other depressing scenes.


"Has anyone seen Luna?" Neville said, running up behind them.

"No, why?" Harry asks, still clutching his side.
"We were supposed to hang out today!"

"Sorry, Neville haven't seen her."

Neville groaned as he ran around the castle shouting 'Luna'. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Hermione said, smiling "Neville fancies her."

"That's...Obvious isn't it?" Harry said. As they entered the Great Hall, Draco wasn't in his wheelchair-it has been 4 weeks. But he got off early since he's getting better so quickly. As they sat down, Harry caught a smile off Draco. which made him happy.
"What, Ron?"

"You're bleeding again."

"Dammit." He got his satchel and wrapped his arm in bandages "why do they bleed again?"

"Because YOU cut yourself weeks ago and its very deep. Not as deep as Draco's stab wound-"
Hermione realised what she said, "I'm so sorry Harry I didn't mean-"

"It's fine, Hermione. Really," Harry ate carefully- then Ginny came walking in with Dean. They were holding hands and smiling at each other. Harry didn't mind, really, at least he was with Draco.  Ron ate noisily causing milk to splatter everywhere, "RON!" Hermione cried. She got a few napkins and cleaned the table "you are seriously a messy eater!"

"Sorry, 'Mione...So do you wanna all hang out next week? On Sunday? Valintine's day?" Ron asked, winking at Hermione. 

Saturday came around quickly, as Harry hung out with Draco more often, so did Ron and Hermione also Luna and Neville. "Love is always in the air. Isn't it?" Harry said, leaning against Draco.

"Well, it's almost Valintine's Day what you expect, Harry?"

"Dunno-I mean last time I had a Valintine Date-Cho was very angry and um yeah..." 
"So, Ron, Hermione, Luna, Neville and us are going on a group date next week?-I'll be the only Slytherin."
"Luna will be the only Ravenclaw,"
"I guess you're right," Draco said, kissing Harry's forehead. Harry smiled, as he nuzzled his head into Draco's neck. 

"How are you? Since um that-"

"Oh, right, I'm better."
"Why did that happen?"
"Um...I don't know."
"Don't like to me, Seeker."
"Professor Dumbledore thinks Voldemort is back again and he's trying to reach my mind." 

Draco stroked is raven black hair, "GUYS!" they turn around seeing Ron. "Ooh, sorry guys did I ruin the moment?"

"It's fine, Ron," Harry said, standing up "what's up?"

"Uhm, Luna and Neville are um a 'thing'."

"Really? Good for them! Finally!"

"Yeah! So you come with us next week?"
"Sure-you, Draco?"

"As long as you're there. Yes."

They got up and walked around the place. People stared as they walked passed, Harry didn't mind. They were in the middle of the hallway when Harry fell on his knees, pain searing on his side, "Harry! Are you okay?"
"I'm fine." He stood up again and kept on walking. 


"Well, here we are. The Three Broomsticks." Harry said gripping on Draco's hand. 
"Shall we go in, Seeker?"
"Yes. We shall."
As they entered Ron and Hermione were already at the table. They sat down, "when's Luna and Neville going to come?" Draco asked.

"Dunno, they said they'll be here," Ron replied, "So how are you? Both of you? Since you two are-"
"Ron!" Hermione said, "just because Harry is being possessed and Draco is slightly disabled doesn't mean- They are-"
"It's fine, Hermione, really."

"Hello!" Luna said, walking in with a blue dress with Neville. 

"Well...Took you two long enough what took you so long?"

"We were helping Professor Snape."

"SNAPE? WHY WOULD-Ahem, I mean why would anyone help him?-Sure, Harry may have forgiven him but why?"

"Well, we were forced to so um yeah. Enough reasons, Ron?"

Harry rested his head on Draco's shoulder, smiling. Then... the flashes came again... Harry fell down, his eyes wouldn't open. He heard faint voices that sounded miles away from where he was...

"HARRY!" Draco cried. They all knelt down next to him. Someone entered the bar. It was a doctor...

"He's about to die,"

Dare To Be Brave-Drarry//Completed//Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα