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It was as though in that moment, time stopped.

Nova took a single step backwards, in complete shock, stumbling slightly despite the face that she had been graced with supernatural balance long ago.

Her brain seemed to be completely empty, unable to form even one coherent thought, and yet it was also going to fast.

She couldn't process it. Couldn't process anything that was happening.

Because they're they were. Just as beautiful as she remembered them. They watched her, the aqua eyes she had once cherished now a dark crimson that matched her own, eyes open wide in shock.

No. Every rational part of Nova's brain screamed. It wasn't possible, they were dead, they had died all those years ago, all because she couldn't save them. Her thoughts were screaming at her, telling her not to get her hopes up. Giving her a million different reasons why they couldn't exist.

They could see that. Alec, who had been watching her in total shock, snapped out of it immediately. He knew her, they both did, perhaps even better than she knew herself. No matter it be one day, or a million, they would always know her.

He had seen the look on her face only a few times before. Usually she was the strong one, the one who was willing to go to war without a second thought all because they told her to.

They knew the look, it was the one they had seen when they first told her of how the village children used to throw things at them. It was the look of total disbelief.

It was as though the twins could hear her thoughts, all with just one look at her. They could see her brain at war with itself, which it most certainly was.

"Nova." Alec repeated, his voice being the only sound on the otherwise completely silent field.

Everything was to shocked, confused, or curious to say anything, whether it be because the Rose had just identified herself, or because the Witch twins were speaking in a tone that wasn't full of hatred to someone other than their sibling.

At the sound of his voice Nova met his eyes, her own crimson narrowing slightly in confusion before shaking her head.

"I'm dead." The immortal breathed. "It's the only way, the Volturi must have won, and now I'm here. It's the only way, I watched you burn, watched you die."

"No Nova, we didn't die, Aro saved us, were here, were real." It was Janes voice this time.

Nova wasn't sure who had moved, though she had a feeling it was her who had subconsciously drawn closer, legs carrying her to directly in front of them.

Then, slowly, as though with even the slightly pressure applied they might cease to exist, Nova used her pale hands, to touch their cheeks.

It was as though everyone held their breaths, for various reasons of course, as she touched them again.

Their skin felt different of course, colder, harder, and yet exactly the same. Because they were here, they were real.

That thought, that instantaneous proof that ricocheted throughout Nova's brain sent her spiraling.

The two people she had missed were here. The people she had lived for a thousand years. The two people she still loved more than anything, more than anyone.

Without hesitation the red headed girl pulled them closer, arms wrapping securely around them, and having every intention to keep them that way.

While her mind continued to spin, the scent of them flooded her system. If her heart could beat it would, without a second thought, be pulsing radically.

In that moment m, Nova felt as though she were human. Perhaps she was, perhaps for just a second, Nova was human again. It sure as hella felt like it.

Because Nova was with them.

She was home.

Unknown to her, when she had seen them again, all of her barriers crumpled to the ground, and Edward could read every thought running through her head.

And he was terrified. Because in that moment, he didn't know which side she would choose. The family she loved, or the lovers from long ago she never stopped needing.


the ship has sailed folks and I'm literally screaming.

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