Wake Up

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Warmth. It was so warm. The warmth was welcome after you'd felt the cold. It was so cold.

And there were sounds. People were talking. Laughter. You flinched internally, before realizing it was just little kids. Little kids having fun.
And thumps. Footsteps. People walking, people running.

And talking. The bubble of indistinct chatter surrounded you. Children talking, adults talking, people from your school talking. Too far away to hear.

And murmurs. You could hear people talking. They were close to you. You couldn't hear what they were saying though. What were they saying? The voices sounded familiar, who were they?

You tried to pull an eyelid open. Well, tried to. It was heavy. Oh so heavy. You moved your hand up to your face and the chatter sounded excited.

You rubbed your eye and tried to open it again. It opened a bit. You saw shapes moving against the bright sky. Who were they?

"Y/n? Y/n? Can you hear me?" A voice said. Wh- oh, that's right. Y/n was your name.

You tried to speak but your tongue felt heavy so you gave a weak thumbs up.

"Can you speak?" A different voice asked.

You tried to speak but all that came out was an odd sound in the back of your throat.

"I'll go grab her some water!" Someone volunteered, but two of the shapes disappeared.

"Are you okay? God, we thought you were a goner there!" A voice chuckled awkardly. You blinked and tried to open your eyes more. Hazy colours filled the moving shapes. The orange shape had asked you this. You gave a weak thumbs up again.

"Wait, you wouldn't be after falling... sorry, bad question!" The orange one chuckled again.

"I'm so sorry I didn't catch you, you just slipped through my arms..." a voice said. It was the same voice you'd first heard. You moved your shoulders in an attempt to shrug.

"Back!" Called a voice, "Lily came with me." Two shapes sat back down, one pink and one yellow.

"Y/n, can you sit up?" You pushed your elbows down so your body was half-up. You shook your head. Your body felt too heavy.

"Have some water." Another voice said, handing you the bottle. You pushed your weight onto one elbow and used the other to drink. You handed it back after a couple sips.

"Hi." You said, pushing yourself back down, "When did I fall?"

"Like ten minutes ago... did you damage yourself?" Damn, I was supposed to transform. You thought.

"I feel fine, nothing hurts." Must be my magic.

"What were you even doing?" The orange figure asked. You shrugged.

"Can you remember?" The green one asked. The one that had first talked to you.

You blinked hard and opened your eyes fully. You squinted at the brightness and looked around. The figures. Orange, pink, yellow, green and blue. Wh- wait. No. Kelsey, Emily, Lily, April and Chloe. Your friends. What happe- wait. You know this.

"I just sort of... woke up? Everything was dark. I saw you guys transform again." You said.

"How though?" Lily asked curiously.

"Well, I convinced myself to look up and... well... I came to realize I was all grey and it was like a dream..." you rambled, frowning. "Speaking of dreams..." You pushed yourself to sit up.

"Weird. I didn't think people could do that.." Kelsey frowned.

"You did it." Emily laughed, "We all did."

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