Is this reality?

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"Woah, what is this place?" You gasp in surprise as you follow him through the door, looking around.

He turns back to you and gestures, "This is our base in the shadow realm, where we live, our 'home', as you humans might say."

You frowned, "And you aren't worried that I'll go and tell the others where this place is?" Rascal seemed to find this question particularly hilarious, and burst into hysterical laughter.

"And you think that'll work, do you? You have no idea how to get to this place, and no way of getting into the shadow realm, but you'll tell the glitter force?" He wiped a fake tear from his eye mockingly, before turning more serious, "And tell them that a mean clown showed you in your dreams?"

You crossed your arms, "Yes. Exactly." You mumbled. This only set him off in another bout of laughter. "Stop, you're killing me!"

You scoffed, "Remind me why you've dragged me here again?" He straightened up and beckoned you to follow. You walked after him as he lead you down a few short corridors, before arriving in front of a locked room.

He turned to you, his back to the door, "Now, as I recall you are familiar with the book of fairy-tales, yes?"

You looked up sharply, "How do you know that?" He chuckled at your expression.

"It appeared in your dreams. Don't get yourself all worried about it. It just appeared briefly." He looked to your expression, but could not tell exactly what you were thinking, "But I assume you were told that we have a version of that, also?"

You shifted your weight nervously and nodded, "Yes. Wait- is that what you're showing me?!"

Again, he smiled at your expression before responding, "All you have to do is walk through this door and I will show you all the proof you need."

"You're trying to prove to me that I have a secret? Doesn't that seem a little dumb? Wouldn't I know if I have a secret?" You tried to stall.

"Of course, that's why you're stalling," he called your bluff, "Now hurry up and walk throught this door." He then proceeded to walk through the door as if he was a ghost. You were about to be shocked, before remembering that you were dreaming. You shrugged and followed him through the door.

He stood in front of a safe, and you watched as he reached through and picked up a book with a black cover.

You held out your hand, "Wait! How do I know you're not just showing me fake proof, that you just magicked up?"
He turned to you, one hand ready to open it, "Glitter girl, if I wanted to show you fake proof I wouldn't have bothered taking you all this way." He sounded impatient, so you decided not to reply.

He tapped a page excitedly, "Aha! Here it is, right at the back!"

You looked over as he explained the page, "Unlike the other pages, there are no words on this one, only a drawing of someone who looks similar to you."

You approached him and looked over at the book. There was a girl with f/c hair tied back neatly into a braid that curled around her shoulder, and shining e/c eyes that seemed to look right at you. There was something strange about her.

"But that's not-" You began, about to point out the error in your hair, before remembering that your hair turned f/c when you transformed.

He pointed at tiny lettering in the corner of the page, "And look, there's your name." As soon as you saw, he snapped the book shut and laughed, "You couldn't make this up if you tried."

As he put it back in the safe, you could swear the world started to fade at the edges as you tried to comprehend what you had just seen.

Rascal turned back to you and looked around, "Oh dear. Come on glitter girl, calm down. You're worrying so much you've started to wake yourself up."

Laughter [Rascal x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now