A Trip to the Park

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Miss me?
You heard the familiar voice of Rascal ask in your head, back once more. It was now Saturday afternoon, and you were sat in your room doing maths homework, which was obviously boring.

oh, you're back.
I am, and I bet you wished I never left.

Obviously, he was right- and you were embarrassed to even admit it. So you didn't.

wish you'd never come back, more like.
I can hear most of your thoughts, you know that- right?
oh, shut up. It's n-
I was joking. But go on, tell me what you were going to say.
I hate you so much.
Oh, you love being friends with me? You're too kind.
Yes, are we friends?

Your cheeks flushed a light pink and you felt speechless. Or, in this case, thoughtless.

Glitter girl, you there?
Ah, you're alive.
did you say 'are we friends'?
Did I now?
..yes, you did.
At the moment I am quite regretting it.
wh.. do you want to be friends?
I suppose it would be useful to see what friendship is like.
okay then, let's be friends.
I bet the glitter force will be excited to hear.
yeah right, I'm never gonna tell them this.

Conveniently, or not, your phone buzzed as you got a notification. When you opened it up, Lily had texted you.

Lily: hey, is anyone free?
Emily: Sure, what for?
Lily: i need to draw my friends for an art assignment.
Chloe: I'm free too, I'd love to help out.
You: not doing anything except math hw, where are we meeting?
Lily: the park, if you guys can?
Kelsey: hell yeah I'll come, sounds awesome!
April: hey Kelsey have you done the English?
Kelsey: eh, ill do it sunday night.
Chloe: You really should do your homework, Kelsey.
Kelsey: idrc
Lily: April, what about you?
April: yeah, sure
Lily: yay, everyone can come!
Emily: See you guys soon!!
You: bye.

Getting up, you shoved your phone in your jeans and left the house to meet the others.

** timeskip bc :) **

When you got to the park, Chloe, Lily and Emily were waiting for you. You greeted them, and then asked where the other two were.

they're dead.
only joking, new friend
this is going to get annoying quick.
regretting taking my offer of friendship?

At that exact moment, you saw two figures running towards the rest of you. They were fast enough that it was mostly a blur of orange and green, "Sorry we're late!" They apologized as they came to a stop in front of you four.

you didn't answer me... :(
please tell me how you managed to speak that
you live in a world where fairytale-esque creatures freeze time, collect negativity and are usually stopped by a group of brightly coloured girls.
so does that mean you're not going to tell me how you did that?
all I'm saying is if that's possible, it clearly isn't hard to say :(
you did it again! Tell me how Rascal, this isn't fair!
You laughed, "At least we're all here now."

"Y/n's right. What do you need us to do, Lily?" Chloe smiled patiently.

too bad, glitter girl
and here I was thinking you'd stopped that.
never say never

Lily tilted her head and frowned for a moment, thinking it through carefully. "Just look casual?" She said after a while.

ah yes, I see your friends are very specific on instructions.
clearly you haven't met Chloe.

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