Ethical Dilemmas

339 14 20

Good morning.

Rascal, you're here!
I've literally been in your dreams for hours. We've been over this.

You sighed and pulled yourself out of bed, regrettably leaving the warmth of your duvet. Back to the weekly cycle of school again.

It was a rather regular day, actually. You just hung out with your friends as per usual, tried to focus as best you could in lessons with Rascal in your head, unable to resist a sarcastic comment at any and all given moments. Sure, it definitely kept you entertained, but you hadn't yet quite been able to work out how to focus on both the rest of the world and your own conversations with him.

At lunch, you had all made plans to go to the park after school to study. It was a sunny and warm day, a nice environment full of trees for you all to relax in during another group study session.

And when the bell rang for the end of the day, you all happily made your way together to the park, enjoying the pleasant weather. You were midway through a conversation when your head felt a little strange, perhaps lighter than usual?

Rascal? Rascal? Oh you've gotta be kidding me, you've disappeared again?

"I usually prefer studying in a quiet environment with minimal distractions," Chloe was saying, "But studying in the park could be fun. And I can help you all with your techniques!"

I'm still here, no need to miss me just yet.
You're never going to let that go, are you?

Kelsey laughed, "Sure, studying."

"Kel, the whole reason we're going to the park is to study." April nudged her, "At least try."

If I can't tease you about it, what's the point?
I'm going to beat you up if you don't stop
Oh? And how are you going to do that?

"Studying can be fun, you guys! You've just got to find what's right for you!" Chloe protested.

Lily nodded, "If there's anyone who could make studying fun, it's Chloe!"

You looked over to her, "Studying can be fun? Sounds like a scam, but okay." The others laughed, and even Chloe smiled.

"Sure studying can be boring you guys, but maybe Chloe can help us out!" Emily suggested, "After all, she's basically the master of studying!"

Well that was actually a joke, but now I'm considering it.
What have I done?

Chloe gave a gentle laugh, "I wouldn't say I'm the master. But if you put enough time and focus into studying, it pays off."

You want me to start listing things, or..?

"I don't think the whole focusing on studying thing works for me." Kelsey frowned, "Personally I just wing it on the test."

Point taken.

"I don't think the whole studying thing works for me." You added on, "Personally I just fail the test"

Wow, didn't know I was friends with such an academic.

"Y/n!" Chloe gasped, "You don't study?!"

"Well," You paused, "Maybe like.. an hour before the test.."

Emily put her bags down, "Here seems like a pretty good spot." There were various sounds of agreement as the rest of you put down your things and sat down on the grass. You sat down and began pulling your books from your bag, as did the others. However, shortly after, you were interrupted by a strange feeling in your head. Much stranger than usual.

Laughter [Rascal x Reader]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon