Chapter 57: The Drive

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Adam's point of view:

(The next morning)

"Yes...yes I think it's done," I say to my sisters, giving everything one last look before I close the hood of the car.

It's a homely looking vehicle, that much is certain: severely rusted in some places, a side mirror held together with duct tape, and too many dents and scratches to count. However, it might work, and for that, I've never been more grateful for something in my life.

"Moment of truth," Samantha says, tossing me the keys.

I catch them and make my way to the driver's seat, cringing at the groaning sound the door makes when opened. Sliding inside, I put the keys in the ignition and turn them slowly, heart pounding with each second that goes by.

Please work, please work, please work.

And after a few prolonged moments of unnerving coughs and sputters, the engine comes alive.

"Yes!" I holler, sticking my head out of the window to peer at my sisters. "We did it!"

Both of them are smiling, and I can't remember the last time I saw either one of them do so.

"We'll call your friends," Maria says, and I sit back in the driver's seat absolutely beaming at the fact that we got this to work.

Julia may have a chance now.


" that thing safe?" Susan asks when she gets to the garage with Cassia, Cade, Jacqueline, and Genevieve.

"Of course it is, we built it," I say indignantly while gesturing between myself and my sisters.

Cassia furrows her brow and approaches the car, nudging it with her foot as if to see if it shatters into a million pieces.

It doesn't, of course, but she still seems wary.

"It'll have to do. If it gets us where we need to go, then that's all that matters," Cade pipes up, sounding urgent.

"Thank you, Cade," I say with emphasis, scowling at Cassia and Susan. "Now, does everyone have what they need?"

Jacqueline and Genevieve seem to gesture at themselves due to the arm-full of medical supplies they both have, aiding Cassia who has an equally large pile: blood transfusions, disinfectant, bandages, pain medications, water, saline...everything I asked her to get and even more.

"Did you get the weapons out of the armory?" I ask Cade.

"Yes, I'll pass them out when we get there," he answers.

"You have everything, Adam. You guys have to get going. It's already almost 6:00, and there's no telling exactly how long it'll take for you to get there. Go," Maria says, ushering me in the direction of the car.

I hop in the driver's side as Cade opens the backdoor for Cassia, Genevieve, and Jacqueline, allowing them to cram into the three seats behind me and the passenger side, which Susan presently occupies.

"Where are you gonna sit?" Cassia asks Cade.

"Guess it'll have to be the trunk," he muses, proceeding to all-out crawl over the seats where Cassia and the two sisters sit, landing in the small space behind them and the end of the car with a painful sounding thud.

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