Chapter 2

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Jack stretched luxuriously as the plane landed. He had a damn good feeling about this one. It had been a year since his father had landed the news that he was intending to step down. It had been a year of him spending every free minute running around trying to find his guide.

He would not settle for someone who was merely compatible. Growing up in the compound he'd seen enough of the fallout for good-but-not-good-enough matches to last him three lifetimes. He wanted what his parents had, what Erwin had found. There wasn't any scientific breakthrough that could help him. He didn't believe in sending his gene matrix to some suspicious company to compare against a database. He just had to be in the right place at the right time.

Jack just hoped the right time was soon. The added stress of switching his life from the glitz and glamour of martial arts to administrating a pack of nearly 100 sentinels was causing him to have more and more episodes of hypersensitivity. Without a guide, he was helpless, stuck hyper-focusing on any given detail until it was removed from his range. As a prime alpha, that range was pretty far.

He'd been afraid that the plane itself would trigger a zone, so he'd done as always and reserved the more expensive isolation seating in first-class. This airline was one of the best, and he'd flown this specific model to several of the more distant excursions and mixers he'd tried.

The rides weren't perfect. He remembered an unfortunate trip to California that had a snorer in coach coupled with a particularly flatulent toddler. He was quite sure his nose was dented from the clip he'd had to wear the entire five-hour trip.

As he stood up to leave the suite he smiled genuinely at the stewardess. She blushed up at him, fluttering her lashes. jack took in her features, slight frame, and large round eyes. She was pretty, but unfortunately, she was a null. With a nod, he took his beaten old duffel from her and moved towards the Sentinel exit hallway. Another few unmatched sentinels were emerging from their planes as well. They were also probably here for the full moon excursion as well.

Looking at the characteristic post-plane slouch of the other sentinels Jack realized that this was the best he'd felt after a plane ride since before his senses fully manifested. Perhaps there was a sentinel and guide pair in business class. The excess contentment of a close pair could often calm him as well.

As more sentinels filed into the pathway the unavoidable posturing began. It was important to get it out of the way first, far from the eyes of the public. everything would go smoother once they figured out who was in charge.

They'd come a long way from the bare-knuckle fights of old, but there was still quite a bit of posturing and subvocal growling, stares so long and intense that sparks seemed to fire from their eyes. If pressed, Jack wouldn't be able to tell what they were doing, or what the final hierarchy was based on. All he knew is that he'd finally found himself staring face to face with another prime sentinel.It was only by the skin of their teeth, or perhaps self-preservation, that the other backed down.

Jack, as always, was in charge. He was after all more than just a prime, he was a Senior Prime Alpha.

As the head honcho of their ragtag group, he led them down the Sentinel passageway to where their sentinel coordinator was waiting. Like most Sentinels, he was tall and broad-shouldered. He strode forward, sticking out a tanned hand to Jack, recognizing him immediately as the strongest of their band. "The name's Hunter Montineau, I'll be your coordinator for this excursion. You guys are the last of the group, so let's pack it in and head up the hill, shall we?"

The group of about seven sentinels moved silently and efficiently to the idling charter bus, loading in their bags and waiting for Jack to get in and choose his seat, a sign of deference. Jack climbed in and sat in the very front row, on the passenger side so he could have the greatest unobstructed view of the road and the surroundings. The further he was from the plane the more on edge he'd become, and he couldn't quite understand it. Was there something...someone he'd missed?

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