Chapter 47

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[Short chapter so I'm posting both, unedited]

It was clear that Fate needed a moment alone after that. 

"Look, you get situated, get your pajamas or or something," Jack only spoke after her breathing had returned to normal. He slowly stood,"I'm gonna go check in about the investigation then we'll have the rest of the evening alright?"

Fate nodded. She tried not to blush at the way he was handling her with kiddy gloves. But she did feel better. She felt like she'd climbed three mountains just by asking a question. It was a triumphant, heady feeling.  Jack wasn't like Him at all. Sure, he had limits, but thsi wasn't one of them. 

Perhaps this could work after all. Perhaps they could really be friends. 

Jack ran his hand over his face in shock as he closed the door behind him. This was worse than he'd expected. Until this moment he thought that Fate's experience with bad sentinels had been akin to Breton Pace. Unwanted advances and attempts at forced bonds were bad enough, but this was worse. this was long-term abuse. 

It was a taboo subject nowadays but had been common not too many generations ago when guides were no more human than expendable chattel. It still cropped up today among strict traditionalists and human traffickers. 

A few conservative groups tried to release shows and pamphlets showing how a "well-trained" guide was far better than a "wild" guide and convert more to their ranks, but in Jack (and most of guide-science's) opinion, they were psychopaths full of shit. 

Guides that were Trained usually died from the strict abuse, and if they weren't so lucky, they would burn out quickly, their near life-less hulls paraded around by weak sentinels who thought their benefits had paid off. They died so young and so quickly that trafficking rings were set internationally to provide young guides who weren't yet strong enough to fend off predator sentinels. 

The Hammond clan had outlawed Training in the region the very moment they sealed their bylaws. To him the mere concept was as revolting as kissing his cousin. Jack himself had ripped into quite a few would-be traffickers who dared set foot in his region.  

He felt rather dumb for not putting it together. Fate was above the age of risk for these criminals. They preyed on teenaged guides who had just come into their skills but not yet built up the defenses to resist the constant emotional and physical manipulation. 

The fact that Fate had survived to her late-twenties was a miracle in and of itself, even moreso the fact that her considerable control was still so strong. 

Jack didn't know who did this to Fate, but he hoped for their sake he never crossed paths. 


Jack was banished to the basement shower by his mom before he even got a chance to update his father on what happened. She had no patience for his crime of "being muddy" and "smelling like outside", never had. His gym laundry was also pointedly in a heap atop the industrial dryer. He had left it in the washer before running off to Bent Valley. He'd fold it later.  He snagged a pair of sweats and a ratty shirt out of the pile and risked his mother's wrath by leaving it there. It could wait. He knew if he took it upstairs Fate would think it was something for her to do. 

Tonight was going to be strictly relaxation. He went to the kitchen and dug around for a bowl and made popcorn. Then his stomach growled and he realized that they hadn't eaten since early that morning. 

He pulled up delivery on his phone and ordered a repeat of the franchise chinese food he'd noticed she enjoyed while they were holed up in the hotel room. Someone else could sign for it and bring it up. Fate was exhausted and he was pretty tired as well. As soon as his butt was on that couch it would not move. 

To be safe he added an extra order of spring rolls to bribe the kids into bringing it upstairs.  

The last thing he did before opening the door was send a text to the group chat, "Guide Time. Do not Disturb." 

A little rush of endorphins hit as he pressed send. After all, it was his first time. He had always been a little jealous when Elliot or his father sent out the missive, but now was finally his turn. 

Fate had set herslef on the couch nervously, two movies set in front of her. She'd picked two movies to watch from the shelf, one superhero and the other a slapstick comedy. Here she was making another suggestion. Two in one day. She was on a roll. 

Her foot still tapped nervously when Jack came in with popcorn. His smug giddiness hit her like a pillow to the face. He was very pleased with himself. With her shields as low as they were, she felt a little bit of the happiness as well. 

It was pleasant after a long day, no... a long week of nothing but fear and stress. They didn't talk as Jack picked the comedy and turned it on, plopping down

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