Chapter 26

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Fate's eyes were like saucers as the imposing building came fully into view. It wasn't an estate, it was an entire manor! There were at least four floors and several additions to the home, including a solarium, and that's what she could see from the front. To both her left and right appeared to be well kept gardens in full summer flourish. The bricks were well kept but weathered in places, a testament to just how long the Hammonds had hidden away here. Most imposingly was the huge ribboned crest engraved in stone above the front door, proclaiming the Hammond legacy.

It was intimidating to say the very least. She could feel pinpricks of excitement from the front door. Where a tall and broad man whose hair had gone silver with age and a very petite woman with wild salt and pepper hair stood looking like models for a Martha Stewart catalog. The little woman was on her tiptoes, as though she could see into the big SUV from her position.

They pulled up to the front door and Jack hopped out of the car, running around before Fate could even unhook her seatbelt to open the door for her. He held out his hand with a gentlemanly flourish and she only managed to get both feet on the ground before Mrs. Hammond had enough waiting and bolted from her spot to run up and greet her.

"Oh Honey! I'm Martha! It's so nice to finally meet you!" she exclaimed, already tugging Fate down into a hug. "Oh goodness you're so much cuter in person!" she squealed, going in for a second hug. Fate couldn't resist.  Martha's guide pull was strong and solid despite her frail appearance. Fate was almost swept up in her joie de vivre, feeling a smile come unbidden to her face.

She'd never met another guide this strong in her entire life.

It started to make a little more sense now, how good Jack was at handling her emotional projections. If his mother was this powerful, he'd been training his entire life.

Speaking of which, the very moment Fate was released from her mother-in-bond, said tiny woman went to regard her son with a stern face that only a mother could wear.

She felt the fear and resignation pouring from Jack as he obediently bent down so his mother could reach his ears. Her manicured bright yellow nails gave his left ear a  solid twist as she began her lecture.

"You! Disobedient! Ungrateful! Who raised such a son! Not me! You go across the world and don't even court her! You just up and abscond with a guide?!"

"Mom I-"
"Don't you 'Mom' me! What sort of example are you setting for the sentinels of this tribe?! This city? This REGION! How are we supposed to leave the estate to a boy who can't control himself! HMM?"


"Don't YOU BUT ME MISTER! Do you know what could have happened! What kind of damage you could have done?! All over the papers and you don't even WARN your own MOTHER- "

Fate couldn't help but stare. NOthing had been as she expected. Of course in her life, she'd seen plenty of strong guides but usually they weren't so fierce against a sentinel, even from mother to son. but Martha didn't show even a trace of fear or deference to her son or her husband. Even more surprising, the husband was clearly disinterested in intervening or establishing his dominance as he came over for a cordial hug.

"I'm Sigfried III, this rascal's dad. But you're family, so call me Sig, alright?" he said as he patted Fate on the back. She nodded helplessly. What the alpha sentinel said, went, though generally they erred on the side of formal, she wasn't going to argue.

He was a perfect picture of what Jack would look like 30 years down the road, still tall and broad but softer around the edges after years of contentment, "Come on, I'll get your bags. You must be hungry, it's a damned long flight isn't it?"

Sig grabbed the bags in short order and held open the door as they entered the house proper.

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