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HE ALMOST LOOKED GENTLE — in a psychotic, tried to kill my best friend type of way. It was weak to glance back, I knew that because it triggered a chain of unwanted emotions, like guilt. His unconscious body made him seem helpless, defeated, and the way his almond eyes had glazed over ripped into my tainted soul. This was my fault, I did that to him, I don't know if the impending repentance was due to my actions or the twisted, bizarre sense of satisfaction that came alongside it. Although I killed an Original, albeit temporarily, I couldn't hold my pride without thinking of the consequences. None of them were notorious for their mercy, especially not the Kol Mikaelson.

"Do you love him?" Jeremy left me taken aback, his sudden appearance leaving me startled.

Easily, I intimidated the young boy with a hostile glare, I adored his sister, but didn't take well to interrogations. "It would be in your best interest to leave, Jeremy." I advised, not to scare him, rather save him. Kol wouldn't be out much longer. "Shouldn't you be in the car, anyway?" I expertly shifted the topic, pointing an accusing nail at him.

"I'm not dumb." He told me, though he could have fooled me because he seemed to have a death wish. "You can't avoid the question. Do you love him?" Jeremy repeated, stronger this time, more assertive than before.

"I don't know." I realised, staring at the palms of my hand, searching for the answer. "I wish things were how they used to be — I only just found out about Alaric and the White Oak!" I exclaimed. "They exclude me now. Ever since they found out my 'epic love' was an Original, I'm barely in the loop. I can tell, none of them trust me." I ranted, failing to blow a strand of hair out of my eyes. "It's ironic how I longed for these memories and now I would sacrifice anything to lose them again." With a long sigh, I vented to him.

The brunette boy leaned in closer, pushing the defiant blonde behind my ear. "You know, there's always a way to fix the crap that happens to people like us." He revealed, my eager grin dropping a fraction when he uttered the word 'us.' We were totally different people, there was no unity, nor similarities. "Bonnie could get rid of the memories." He suggested, wanting to be helpful because he knew that his sister's means of protection left people hurt. Elena meant well, but distancing those she cared about from the supernatural circuit meant they were ignorant to the danger ahead.

"A part of me knows it would be wrong, I must have saw something in him. I loved him, I think." I closed my eyes tightly. Thinking back, I could almost physically recall the tender touch of lips and ravenous hands of the vampire. "Anyway, I don't want to bother everyone with my issues when Ric is on the edge of insanity and our lives are on the lines of our sires." I snapped out of my fantasy — it was wrong, wasn't it? "There's problems bigger than my train wreck of a love life."

MEMORIES ▷ KOL MIKAELSON [1] [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now