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There in the living room of the Karen household sat the two sisters, together. Leah requested Mia for some mental help. It was hard for her to sleep last night due to what happened that afternoon in the warehouse. All of the Legion were experiencing trauma one way or another, they have experienced things normal teenagers usually wouldn't. Mia felt bad for all of them even though she was involved in the Purge. They were all so young, especially Amos who was the youngest of them all. She wished they didn't have to go through all those horrible things.

Mia sat down next to her sister and watched the other close her eyes. "Alright, take a deep breath. Three, actually."

Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale.

"Let your mind go blank and then focus on the first bad thing that comes to your mind." Mia put her hand on Leah's, while her magenta eyes examined the other's body movements. She noticed the flinching and tense shifts. Mia's hand began to glow over Leah's now glowing green one as the first thought began to play in the telekinetic's head.

In Leah's mind she saw everyone around her fighting the Phantom. She heard the clashing of weapons and the battle cries that echoed throughout the large and dull fields of grass. She saw Chance carrying an unconscious Nathaniel to safety and Marc dying in Amos' arms on the floor while Poseidon hovered over them. Her eyes shut more, tightly, as her fingers wrapped around her sister's hand in a frightened manner. Her eyebrows furrowed as the thought repeated once more and she saw Haley and Chad die too.

Mia looked down at her hand to see her sister holding on for dear life, Leah's grip tightened more as the seconds ticked by. The telepath soon noticed random objects starting to levitate around her, and before she even knew it the ground was trembling beneath the couch they sat on. The objects began to fly around the room at a rapid pace. "Leah." Mia used her free hand to shake the other's shoulder roughly enough as an attempt to snap her sister out the trance she was put in.

"Leah!"The telepath flicked her glowing magenta hand and got into her sister's mind to try and stop her from ruining the living room.

'Leah I know you can hear me, things are alright.'

'Things are never alright anymore!'

'Come back please and we can try to fix things.'

Leah's forest eyes flashed open as both her and her sister's hands stopped glowing. The telekinetic sister threw her arms around the other as she forced her tears back. Mia wrapped her arms around her and tried to soothe her, rubbing her back gently. "Hey, it's okay. You're okay, I'm okay."

"Oh my god, I nearly killed us—!" Leah put a hand over her mouth as her eyes noticed the things that were lying around in different places. "But you didn't, it's alright." The sisters pulled away from each other as a negative wave fell over the atmosphere until they heard the doorbell rang throughout the house.

Mia gave a hand motion that she would go and get the door as Leah sat on the couch, trying to recollect herself. There were only very few people who would come to their door this early in the morning. The telepath unlocked the top and bottom of the front door and opened it to see Madison and Amos standing before her in royal attire, making her magenta eyes widen. What made her even more confused was seeing Nate, Jeno, Eddie, and Athena in winter clothing.

"Just where are you all going?" Mia questioned, Leah jogged over to see them and flashed an awkward smile. "Our home, Icone. You two are coming with us aren't you?" Amos quirked an eyebrow, staring up at Mia.

The Legion || Volume 2  of The Legion seriesWhere stories live. Discover now