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SUNDAY ; 4:00 PM

"We are not letting them get away, do you all hear me?!" Eddie yelled through his ear piece and got call backs in return. The Legion were chasing a Maxwell Industries delivery truck that a gang of abnormals hijacked. They were all on the road and would soon be on the freeway, unfortunately. "We're in position." Mia stated through her ear piece, looking back to see if Amos, Athena, and Leah were ready—which they were and were now on standby.

Jeno talked through the bluetooth: "Mystic, is Neptune, Raven, and Meister on standby?"

Mia replied back: "Yes they are, you guys ready?"

Madi answered this time: "We are. Stone is going to hold off a little since we'll be approaching the freeway soon. We can't damage this truck too much and other cars around—oh shit!" She got cut off due to her blocking a small rocket blast with her arms. "On your count, Mystic." Nate notified and the countdown began from three.

", go!" Mia shouted.

Nate hoisted Eddie up and threw him straight through the back of the delivery truck. Eddie knocked into a boy in a ski mask and began fighting him head on. Lightning versus water wouldn't end well, especially for all the advanced tech and weapons that were on the metal shelves on either side of them.

Eddie unsheathed a knife and stabbed the other in the arm before getting sent with a water blast into a metal case, making him grit his teeth together in slight pain. He felt the sharp end of the case pierce him a bit, but it wasn't as bad as he thought it would be. Eddie grabbed the hand of the other and electrocuted him easily before letting the body collapse to the floor, jolting here and there. "I thought you were going to be a challenge." He huffed before looking around at all the gear present.

"You okay, Bolt?!" Jeno called out and got a confirmation he was back. Mia told Athena to get on top of the car quickly, and the grim reaper did.

"Raven be careful, please!" Jeno called out to her as he was on top of the delivery truck fighting off two people with Nate. "I will, stop worrying!" Athena replied back loud enough before waiting for Leah's cue.

Leah opened the door of the driver seat and Athena summoned her chains. The grim reaper swung them at the driver who tried to flinch away but was caught in the grip of the chains. Athena yanked back roughly and ripped the driver from her seat and onto Mia's police van. "Lights out." She waved a hand in front of the girl's face who then collapsed in her arms right after. Amos opened his car door as Athena handed him the girl carefully, holding onto the car with her right hand. The water bearer grabbed the unconscious girl and sat her up next to him before Leah handed him a pair of handcuffs.

Athena looked at the others to make sure they were okay and they seemed to be handling everything alright. She then opened the shotgun door and slid in quickly before closing the door right away. "Leah, it's yours and Amos' turn now." Mia looked at the two in her upper mirror and got nods in return.

Amos crawled over the second row seat, sitting behind Leah who was slowly opening her door. "Notifying, we are entering the freeway. I repeat we are entering the freeway." Mia said through her bluetooth while keeping her eyes on the road. "Roger." Eddie replied back.

"Going in." Leah opened the door all the way and flew into the drivers seat of the delivery truck. Amos jumped out next, holding onto dear life while he shut the driver seat door for Leah. He then boosted himself upward to help his sister out quickly but she seemed to have finished the girl off already.

"Go help Leah." Madi ushered her little brother which he hurried down the side ladder, hearing Leah struggling to fight off the person in the shotgun seat while driving at the same time. He hung from the near end of the ladder and opened the door with his right hand.

The Legion || Volume 2  of The Legion seriesWhere stories live. Discover now