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'Wake up, Madison.'

The girl of darkness and ice stirred in her sleep, her head hit the cold wall and that slightly startled her awake. Her eyes burned as she sat up in the prison cell bed and winced as she felt her head pulsing with pain. A hand went to her head as she tried to focus herself on ignoring the pain and slowly fluttered her eyes open to see everyone staring at her with sadness. She noticed the mysterious man and woman there as well, the woman looked similar to Destiny it and it almost stirred her.

It didn't take her too long to notice she was in a prison cell, one meant for abnormals and that's when the events of yesterday came flooding back to her. Madi remembered being controlled when she killed all the prisoners at this police station and remembered her nearly killing her own friends and family.

She looked down at herself to see that she was in Frostbite form and a hand flew to her mouth as she then remembered where she almost crushed Eddie's heart. Her eyes felt that familiar burn and her vision became blurry with tears. Madi then broke down right then and there when her sobs were now heard. She couldn't handle all this madness anymore, Destiny has ruined her life completely and she didn't know how much she could even handle living with her own mother controlling her every move.

"Madi...?" Leah stood up from the ground as she moved towards the carbon glass cell, her own eyes began to tear up at the sight of her broken best friend. The girl in the cell began to cry louder but her cries were muffled with her hands. Madi didn't understand how her friends could still be there for her after all she's done to them yesterday and all that she's put them through. She would say it's fate but she hates that concept.

Madi was able to calm herself after a minute or two, all that was left was her hiccups. "W-Why are y-you all here? I nearly k-killed you all. I'm sorry—wait...sorry won't cut it....not one bit. I dragged you all into my mess of a life and you're all stuck in shitty situations because of me. I'm such an awful person...oh god, oh god. Just kill me right now please, I deserve to die!" She wrapped her arms around herself in an insecure and nervous manner. "Hey, don't say that. You don't deserve to die. All of us are here because we love you, not because of anything else you may be thinking." Athena responded firmly and sent a sad smile at the other's way.

"You nearly crushed my heart but even if you did that wouldn't mean I'd stop loving you. You're family, to all of us and that'll never change." Eddie added on, smiling warmly. "Remember: No one gets left behind." Nate quoted Madi from the day of the Purge. They were doing their best to lighten the mood and try to cheer her up, but they couldn't get her to smile once, not even grin.

The conflicted girl felt too broken to even feel smile. She just felt like dying alone in a dark pit where no one could save her, but she knew no one would ever let her have that wish.

The Legion had been explained to why the two deities were here and who they were in all truthfulness. When Thanatos and Astraea explained to the Legion about the dark users and their blood connections, it begun to make sense to all of them. Athena and Blake were so used to having each other, but they wouldn't mind having Madi in their life as their new sister. Because the more the merrier.

The three siblings didn't look alike, it was the same for Marc and Amos as well. They were brought to life, not given birth to, so that is why they're not necessarily identical in any way.

"Who are you two? And why do you look so much like my mother?" Madi narrowed her eyes at Astraea, and because the woman even looked like her mother, she felt like she couldn't trust her; but that was just a rude conclusion Maid was jumping to. The goddess cleared her throat awkwardly before adjusting her posture, "I am Destiny's sister...and this is your—father. Albeit I am sure you know who your siblings are."

The Legion || Volume 2  of The Legion seriesWhere stories live. Discover now