Being taken

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Tria sat in the metal, oxygenated box, confused as to what had just happened, the fear she had felt during the moment she was taken was numbing down, now all she felt was the loss and depression, over everything that had just happened.

Tria was watching the screen as the humanoid aliens flashed onto it, hijacking the broadcast, they explained that due to human actions they were forced to put into action an extermination of the majority of the species, with only a few allowed to remain alive on earth under surveillance, and all other survivors to be packed and sent off to an intergalactic pet shop, many people at first laughed, till people started dying, it started with babies, and then the elderly, then the ill, much to everyone's, disgust and anger, the aliens may have been doing this with the fact that babies and elderly would most likely not survive exiting the atmosphere neither would the sick, the population plummeted in a mere hour, how they managed it no one will know, but then Tria found herself in the arms of one of the aliens, who was putting her in a metal box, big enough to kneel in, but not stand, she tried to struggle and attack the alien, but she kept missing somehow, the aliens shimmering skin was so blinding in the direct sunlight, that she couldn't see their face.

And that was all she remembered, she hadn't realised she was crying till she felt the tears fall off of her chin.

She woke up with a start finding herself exhausted, and began to hear noises outside the box she was in, the box began moving causing her to gasp in fear, some words in a grating alien language were transferred outside the box, after a bit more movement the box hit the ground heavily, jolting Tria who cried out, an angrier sounding tone in the alien language was spoken, the lid was lifted off of the box, revealing two fairly odd, rock looking aliens, one picked her up, the edges of the stones that made up its arms were surprisingly soft and seemed to beat softly, she struggled desperately, not caring about her surroundings, she was thrown into a strange green hued cage, and backed away into the corner, another box was carried towards the cage, Tria didn't pay it attention, her mind racing and taking in the awful yet strangely sterile smell, the loudness of various other species in cages, some were cute, others were quite the opposite, a voice caught her attention, it was human, she looked back over at the gate of the cage and watched a boy struggle as he was pulled out of the box and put into her cage, she looked at him, feeling a strange sense of relief that she wasn't going to be lonely in this strange place, of course the rest of the humans were being brought in and they were also put in pairs in cages.

Activity outside of the cage increased after a few hours had passed, Tria and the boy hadn't spoken a word to each other, both too afraid to catch an aliens attention, an alien began rolling the cage, which either had wheels or could float, it was put neatly in the main area of the store, an alien which was a dull yellow almost orange approached the cage, attaching a device to their, what only could be assumed as their ear, it began speaking in various human languages till it chose English, "this your language?" It asked the voice sounding robotic as the device seemed to translate her, both slowly nodded, afraid what would happen if they defied, "alright, ages in your years" it demanded, watching them with calm milky grey eyes, "umm 17" muttered Tria, it nodded and wrote it down in its strange language, "19" added the boy, "genders?" It asked, "female" Tria responded confused by the question, "male" replied the boy, "Ok, it is required to explain that, you both will be constant companions, from here, as your species is a social species which requires constant attention, this is to prevent loneliness, do any of you feel threatened by one another?" "Uhh nope" they both stated, confused, "good, I wish you both the best in finding a home" said the alien who then moved onto the next cage, repeating the questions.

It took a while for the alien to finish but as it did the store seemed to have opened and various terrifying and some rather mind boggling aliens entered examining the pets.

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