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*Aarons POV*

I watched the alien fussily put things away, I was angry and annoyed, my legs hurt and Tria was just sitting there watching, she had not reacted to my words, so I decided I was being far to nasty. Tria of course was approaching the opening, she slightly limped I guessed it was because her cramped legs were still aching, I watched her step out, what is she doing! Out of fear I leaned further into the cot, why was I such a wimp! My eyes followed Tria as she carefully stepped around the cage looking at the ground a look of fearful curiosity on her face, I had to turn my head as she walked around the back, she was shaking, but ever since she told me that she couldn't help but be irrationally positive I knew she was hoping to find a way to escape, she began walking around the other side of the cage, the alien was holding a box in one arm and bounded towards Tria. I squeaked for her to look out, she tensed up and froze, the alien passed her by and ran its 6 fingered hand along her head and kept going on it's way, it had patted her, like a person would while passing by their cat sitting on their scratching post cat climber thing, Tria looked back at the alien, before motioning me to join her, "what! I'm not going out there!" I hissed the very thought causing me to freak out.

Tria did not take no for an answer, she entered the cage and grabbed my arm, "if we can't escape and can't go back home we have to learn about the place" explained Tria, I shook my head shuddering at her words, I may have given up hope on escape, but just casually walking around some aliens weird home like place, that was a matter of self preservation, "come on we explored the other area" urged Tria "the alien wasn't standing three feet away there!" I snapped, she flinched and looked at her arm, I had unintentionally slapped her away, her eyes hardened, "I..." I began before she turned around, "you're not the only one who's scared!" She growled before walking out, she explored around, the alien ignored her, it kept glancing over at me.

The alien finishing setting up the stuff that was brought over with us and sat on it's weird couch thing it watched Tria, who kept her distance. I took a breath and slowly crept off the cot and tip toed out of the cage, the aliens eyes flashed towards me and I froze scrambling back into the cage, I tried again, after 3 tries I finally found the confidence to ignore the aliens stare, and creep along the seemingly dirt floor it was shiny, and on closer inspection I realised it was smoothed and hardened, never had I seen such an idea for a dirt floor it looked like the alien had run clear thin glass over the floor, glancing towards the alien that was watching me intently I decided maybe Tria had a point, if there is no hope for my escape then I mose well learn what I can about this place, if this was going to be my forever home, the thought sent a bitter feeling through me, I looked at the human equipment it had piled into holes in the cave wall, and I saw a drone, maybe I can look around without moving, so I approached the hole, the alien let out a loud clicking sound, I looked at it confused, it seemed to be saying something, I guessed it didn't want me to do anything with the toys in that specific hole, so I walked away, heading further from the couch and sitting on the ground outside of the cage, Tria looked at me, she had been looking at the moveable wall and egg shaped door, so she was on the other side of the room from me.

The alien waited and after having nothing eventful happen it stood up and bounded towards a room and vanished out of view, "I'm sorry" I mumbled, Tria looked at me, "pardon?" She called out, I sighed, "I'm sorry for hitting you!" I exclaimed, she looked at me and smiled, "it's alright, I'm terrified as well" she said her voice softer but I heard the words. The alien rushed in, probably worried about how loud I had been, it examined us and as soon as it realised nothing was wrong it left the room.

A few days had passed, with the alien giving us children plates with what looked like chicken tenders and various vegetables, yes it literally gave us that meal for a few days in a row, as well as fruit in a bowl in what I'm assuming is the morning as we don't get a good view of the sky being so far away from the small windows in the moveable wall, Tria knew but I never asked, the amount of unnatural light in this cave house was enough of a time teller, with most of the lights going out when the outside light wasn't entering through the windows.

Now the alien wasn't just watching us, it was beginning to make more noises at us, I didn't like it and Tria was the only one of us that was willing to learn, that's probably why it seemed to be fond of her by now, it would pat her head and make soft noises at her, Tria no longer tensed up at the affectionate gestures, it tried touching me and I had bolted, back into my cage, I knew Tria thought I was a wimp, a massive coward. It was making noises at Tria, so she began doing various things, she took a step forward, she jumped and then sat, the alien let out a happy noise, so that's what the alien was trying to command, it repeated its command multiple times, a few chirps and clicks, it looked at me and made the noise, I chose to disobey, the alien let out an irritated noise and turned its attention back to Tria repeating the command for sit an irritating amount of times, and I decided I would sit, besides my shoulder hurts from leaning against the cage, so I sat, the alien begins making its happy noise, repeating its sit command at me annoyingly, Tria watched me, she had so quickly turned into an obedient little pet hadn't she, it annoys me to no end, I knew it was her positivity that the alien would treat us well if we make an effort but it still deeply annoyed me.

Another few days passed with us still getting the same foods as usual, but since Tria was being better behaved she got extra treats, like the alien began to give us peanuts for behaving well, of course I've only been able to win 2 I lost count of Tria's winning total, and now the alien opened its egg door to let in other aliens, two were the same green furred kangaroo legged aliens while the third was a brown furred kangaroo legged alien that was shorter than the others, they hung around each other talking in their weird language, then our one showed us to them, I curled my body into the back of the cage watching as Tria cautiously stepped out of the cage and looked at them, they patted her head, the small brown one stood shorter than Tria, it seemed scared, it carefully touched Tria's belly and watched her face, Tria watched it, I shivered, this was either a child alien or a dwarf sized species, but by the way the two new green aliens cooed the small one along as if urging it to pat 'the cute human' disgustingly. The brown one let out happy clicks and chirps, our alien made a noise, Tria looked at it and the alien pointed towards the couch commanding her to sit, so that's what she did, our alien chattered excitedly, the others made approving noises, it looked at me repeating a noise over and over, then it hit me, no the alien is not hitting me, the idea that the noise must be whatever the alien had called me, so defeated I slowly and cautiously left the cage, they seemed calmer around me, like people do when there's a nervous animal around, it carefully patted my head, I tensed up but did not flee, it sounded happy and did the same command it did to Tria, I don't want to keep being thought of as some nervous dog, I'm a perfectly capable human! So I quickly walked over beside Tria and sat, she placed her hand on my shoulder, "it feels so  weird" she confessed, I nodded, "at least we're not getting probed or impregnated" I said trying to make a joke and Tria laughed so maybe I can make this whole pet thing work.

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