Grey giants

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*Tria's P.O.V

It was weird the feeling of hunger, as I am, well was a middle class citizen I never had to feel such biting hunger, maybe that was why despite my fear and caution of the massive grey aliens, I was salivating at the sight of food, it was a truly difficult internal battle not to approach the food.

But quickly my trance was broken as more of the aliens voices could be heard, there were three, one was smaller but was still easily 6 foot, they all chattered in their soft voices, I couldn't tell which one was the one who bought us, the smallest one leaned down on his thick legs and seemed to be gesturing us over with it's hands?

Aaron shuddered beside me, I looked over and he looked quite scared, but somehow I wasn't scared, it was as if I had used up my fear reserves and now felt numb, so to be sure that Aaron didn't have to sit there shaking, I took a few hesitant steps towards the aliens, Aaron grabbed my shoulder quickly, "wait, what are you doing!!" He squeaked, "don't worry, they wouldn't have all that stuff for us if they were planning anything bad" I pointed out, more in an effort to reassure myself, so I continued on Aaron following closely behind, the smaller grey giant,  started to clap although their hands seemed to hit each other backwards and it looked awkward, the loud clapping noise itself made me flinch, it was loud and hurt my ears, the giant immediately stopped, the other two seeming to tell it something, "do you think its a family?" I questioned, "huh? Oh uh.. Maybe?" muttered Aaron who had apparently hidden behind me at the sound of the clapping.

As we approached they seemed happy, or somewhat similar to what a human does when happy, mouths wide open in eery smiles and flat teeth, and hands together. I stopped when I was  about almost close enough to touch the alien giant, it spoke to us in its language, and I just stood there confused, I was this close and still I felt numb, had I seriously somehow spent my fear reserves, is that even a thing? But as the alien rifled around the box that sat beside it, it pulled out a normal looking nerf dart shooter, before pulling out more stuff such as tennis balls and rackets, teddies and various other toys, but seeing the alien was attempting to get us to play I decided to convince the alien that I didn't want to play I wanted food and water, so I looked intently at the carefully placed food and water, the giants began chattering, "I'm such a wimp" muttered Aaron from behind me, I looked at him, this boy was supposed to be my 'companion' to allow us as humans to be social, he was older than me plus he had seemed a bit more confident in the cage, maybe he had honestly believed somehow We'd be lucky enough to obtain freedom, "no, you're not... I think I'm scared as well, its just something which is understandable" I reassured, he made eye contact, he looked confused now, "wait, you th...." He began before being interrupted by the aliens putting bowls in front of us, each bowl had an assortment of fruits, I began eating throwing any caution I had previously had to the wind, Aaron was more hesitant in his feasting, inspecting each fruit and tasting them, soon a cup, a man made cup was placed in front of me, it was filled with water, which I drank down quickly, not caring that it'll mostly go to my bladder due to my method of drinking.

I soon stopped as my bowl sat empty and cup in the same state, my stomach gurgling as it released digestive juices to digest the fruity meal, I looked at the aliens who watched with what could only be called curious gazes, despite their smaller beady eyes, "uhh" was the only thing to escape my lips before the world around me went black

earths cleansing and the beginning of human petsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें