Guilt and War

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*Aarons POV*

It had been about two days, but I could be wrong, and Tria was still annoyed with me, I have been doing my best since then, I have obeyed all the commands made towards me, but she still looks at me with angry eyes.

Now as I sat nibbling on my dinner, Tria who was sitting beside me was staring at her food, "I'm sorry... For being a stuck up brat" I murmured, she looked at me and grumbled something about 'stupid boys and their stupid puppy dog eyes'. I sat and began to stare at my plate, "enough moping! OK, OK I'm not mad anymore" she exclaimed breaking the painful silence, I thought I heard wrong and looked at her with a small smile, she began grumbling a small bit more, but I was happy. "So then you'll be my friend again?" I asked, I am older and I had thought I'd be more mature, but here I was grinning about the fact I was forgiven, like a child given the biggest lollipop. "What? Of course you're my friend, when did you think we stopped?" Tria asked her eyes held a deep confusion, "don't tell me you've never had an argument with friends?" She asked suspiciously, I couldn't believe it, "friends argue? Like angry arguing?" I asked in surprise, she nodded and gave me a suspicious side eye, I had always had friends who got along with me really well.

The alien walked in and checked to see if we had finished dinner, it chittered to us something that we didn't understand, Tria was almost finished her meal, so she quickly ate the rest and looked at the alien, who made the sound that we had figured out was what it had called Tria, she got up and walked over to the alien who then looked at me and called me, I quickly scoffed down my food and headed towards the alien.

It had us sit on the couch and it pulled out the weird radio thing that had been at the beefy aliens home, Tria looked confused, "what's going on?" She asked noticing my knowing look, "the pre recorded broadcast" I stated, she looked at it than back at me, the broadcast began playing, Tria listened intently while I half listened, it didn't have much new stuff in it, but from what there was I learned that this planet was known as a war desolated planet and the aliens occasionally have to fight off a rebel species.

"Huh, so that's what I missed out on" she mumbled, I watched her brows crease in concentration, "so what is all the war stuff about?" She asked, I shrugged and muttered a "I dunno", the alien seeing the broadcast was over took the radio thing out of the room making a soft noise, I could only take a guess that it was humming, " though from what it said we probably don't have to worry about it" I stated she looked at me and actually began laughing, I watched her in bafflement,  even the alien bounded in to investigate, "I was not expecting an answer" giggled Tria, I stared at her, just yesterday she was avoiding me and now she's laughing at me because I answered her question, "are you OK?" I asked, she gave me a wide grin, "I'm fine, and... Its good that you're starting to adapt, I haven't seen you look so comfortable before" she stated a joyful look in her eyes, "you're happy because I'm not so tense" I asked trying to understand her reasoning, "yeah basically" she chuckled, I didn't understand how that was such a good thing but it put me in a good mood, the alien investigated and talked to us in its language using sounds we still barely understand, Tria got up and approached the alien, who hugged her, I stared in surprise as the short arms held her, Tria after being frozen for a second hugged it back, damn this girl and her ability to take things as they come, the alien released her and pet her head before coming over to pet mine, I sat but this time I didn't tense up, this alien whom I had so hated and feared was just being a good owner, and I felt selfish, belittled yes but also selfish because I wasn't the only human in this situation and this alien could have been a worse owner, so a strange happy calm filled my core.

Hurried knocking echoed and we all looked at the door, it opened revealing another green alien who made urgent noises, the two began rushing about, bounding from one end to the other of the cave grabbing various tools and loudly chattering, loud noises echoed in the distance, our alien looked at us, its eyes filled with fear, it tried to grab our harnesses, but a massive boom shook the cave, both aliens ran out, our alien kept calling something back to us, we stared as the door stood open and various silhouettes lined the dead side of the planet, smoke filled the air behind them, Tria was shouting something, I looked at her, trying to concentrate, "Aaron! We need to do something? What's going on?" She questioned urgently, I couldn't answer, I was frozen in place, unsure of what to do, unsure of what to say, "I... Don't know" I gasped, loud noises echoed, the booms had stopped but the sound of screeching and the clashing of metal and the zing of projectiles hitting targets filled the air, "Aaron, do you think it'll die?" She asked, I looked at her, she was crying, why, "why does that matter" I asked, she stared at me in shock, "do you not care, how selfish can you be" she gasped, I clenched my fist, it wasn't that I didn't care, I had finally been happy and accepted the alien but we hadn't known it long enough to cry for it, "we basically don't know it, remember we have no say in the matter! So why should I care!" I exclaimed my voice getting louder at each word, she stared at me, she wasn't angry, she was disappointed and that hurt, so damn much

earths cleansing and the beginning of human petsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora