three steps back

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Tria's P.O.V

My eyes cracked open, I yawned stretching and sitting up, I bumped into someone, momentarily freaking out about the boy lying beside me, I looked around the surprisingly well lit room, memories flooded back into my mind and the boy, Aaron groaned as he to began to wake up, I looked around as I heard the chattering of the giant alien species who had taken us on as pets, looking around I couldn't see any of the three who were around when I had fallen unconscious.

Two of the aliens walked in, my face twisting in confusing, the first one was definitely one of the three I had seen, but the second was a whole different shade of grey, the new alien held a gelatinous pouch, and its small beady eyes met mine, I felt a strange shiver, as if this giant was accusing me of murdering someone, and all of this came from one moment, it scares me that I may never understand all of my own feelings and emotions.

And as I was thinking about my own understanding of myself, the aliens got closer, Aaron tensed up and grumbled, I glanced at him in surprise, his eyes were wide with worry, "humans, the language on your form is correct?" Questioned a robotic voice, I twisted my head back around and looked at new alien, it wore the strange device the orange alien had worn, it looked tiny even on the stumpy ears of the alien, "your language is human English correct?" Asked the alien, slowly I nodded, "good, now both are opposite genders and aged in your planets years as 17 and 19 correct?" Asked the alien the robotic voice letting out a burr sound, "y...yes" I stammered, the alien watched me, was it judging me? "Now as you should know from the preset broadcast that your owners are a peaceful and family oriented species" began the alien, I didn't understand, what preset broadcast, but out of the corner of my eye I saw Aaron nodding, "you were unconscious" stated Aaron simply, "wait... Preset broadcast??" I stated, not knowing what the hell a lot preset broadcast was, "I think they like send in our details to some kind of broadcast station" stated Aaron, he looked different from yesterday, he still looked tired but now he looked plain defeated, before he had had so much hope, "so the broadcast was while you had collapsed, it is likely that your moment of unconsciousness was caused by exhaustion as this is common among the humans who have been taken in" stated the alien, it spoke a few words to the first alien, "listen, I fear for my kind, I would not fear if you were tamed and known for being loyal but you both are new and if given the chance you would bring harm to this family, you may not admit it but if they visited earth to show you how your planet is doing, and given the chance you both would bring harm to them in an attempt to return to your home planet" stated the alien simply, I wanted to say no, but the thought of returning home made me realise I would, and as I glanced at Aaron I saw him slowly nod, "at the very least you both understand, I'm sorry to do this, especially after you just got here but I am trying to convince the family of your threat, their young child will not be safe, and I will not take anything able to threaten the weakness of my people I may just be a 'vet' but I am loyal to my kind" said the alien before turning back to the first alien, I felt a surge of guilt at the sad look in the aliens eyes, but I felt frustration also, Aaron and I both had our lives ruined, these aliens may not be the humanoid disco balls who abducted us but they still had a part in it.

"You look mad" pointed out Aaron Dully, "of course I am... And what's wrong with you, what happened?" I asked confused as to why he had changed so quickly, "I figured there's no point in hoping" said Aaron the sadness in his voice broke the last unbroken piece of my heart, "why are you giving up? Come on I'm sure maybe the next one will be let us go!" I said knowing I was spewing lies, and the look in his eyes said he knew it to, "right because that's what happens in these situations we just say 'let us go' and that's what happens" scoffed Aaron, and I saw it, the faintest hint of a smirk, I huffed and gave him a forced smile, "dad said to stay positive" I mumbled after a few seconds of silence, "is that why..?" Started Aaron "that I'm being irrationally positive? Yes" I Interrupted, I knew that I wanted to cry but at the same time I knew that crying was useless, so I resisted the urge.

earths cleansing and the beginning of human petsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें