Fight and survive

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*Tria's POV*

I watched this boy, this selfish child I know as Aaron and I saw the hurt in his eyes, I saw the way he clenched his fists and the way he tensed up. And I don't hate him, I had expected him to behave similarly to this in a dangerous situation, but to hear those words, has he never once thought about the bigger picture? Sure I was scared and sure I wasn't only worried for our alien master, I am worried for us, we are out here, on an alien planet, sitting by as they were attacked, and any minute something could happen, and that terrified me.

There was a squealing, I looked outside one of the brown aliens was running, a green alien close behind trying to fight off a strange looking species that had weird suits on which seemed to be high tech armour, the young alien was squealing in terror, the suited up aliens tore the green one apart, I gasped in horror, they had jumped onto the desperate alien and shoved the metal claws at the ends of their 3 fingered gloves into the chest of the alien and slashing down leaving a disturbing trail of guts and organs as well as a light almost pink blood soaked the ground.

I wanted to vomit, I could hear Aaron gagging, the child alien continued to squeal and flee, the aliens approached seeming to taunt the terrified young alien, one of the massive six legged dog like aliens rushed over, drawn in by the sound of squealing, it growled and kept the attacking aliens at bay, I had to do something! Aaron knew what I was about to do "don't you dare go out there! You can't leave me alone please" he pleaded desperately trying to wipe the puke off his mouth, I gave him a soft smile, yes I am still mad at him but we are still each others only friends, "I know I can't do much... But we need to do something" I said quietly, the poor child alien's screaming breaking my heart.

I ran towards them, the aliens ignored me, I scooped up the child alien and ran, the dog like alien having my back, Aarons shouts and pleads followed me, I had to make a quick decision, I have to hide! So I dive towards a cave house and try to break the door down, I'm shouting, and crying and I cannot understand why, Aaron was soon beside me, he glared at me and grabbed the child, "wait, what are you doing! Don't do anything rash! Aaron!" I exclaimed as he began to run, I quickly followed, the dog like alien avoiding the claws of the attackers with surprising grace, we ran and ran and ran, till we reached the town like place a ship with an alien that was shrieking out what I can only guess are orders, its eyes land on us, than the child, it shrieks in our direction and a green alien quickly takes the child.

I can tell, this ship is only for the children, it only had room for the children, pets can't fit, I stood and stared not knowing why this was what had defeated me, the sounds dulled and blurred as did the sight before me, I could just hear Aaron shouting and pleading, what is he trying to say?

I shake my head and look at him, some aliens are looking at us sadly while others just ignore us, "Hey!!! What's going on!! Why does there have to be a freaken language barrier!!! Can anyone understand me!! There's a fucking war threatening us!!" He was shouting, he sounded insane and angry, I can't blame him for feeling that way, he was moving his arms about in insane gestures, "AARON!" I screamed and slapped his face, he froze and looked at me, sadness, fear and hopelessness filled his eyes, "they can't do anything for us, they need to save their children" I murmured, he made a whining noise, "but..." He began, I tried to remain calm, even though my voice and hands shook, "we would do the same on earth, save the children" I murmured some more, he started crying, not loud sobs, just trail after trail of salt water cascading down his face, "this isn't how its supposed to end" he whimpered, I stared at him, he believed we were going to die, and I found no reason not to believe that as well, but I needed to be hopeful and positive before he completely breaks.

I grabbed his arm, "let's just hide out" I said softly, he slowly nodded before letting me lead him off towards one of the cave house/store places, it was deserted with only various alien food supplies stacked up in rows, the dog like alien followed, rubbing itself on Aaron, who couldn't even find it in him to be scared.

We sat by a tray of weird looking fruits and stayed quiet, we didn't even let out loud exhausted breaths, the sound of an engine firing up and fighting loudly sounded outside, we were to afraid to see who was winning, the dog like alien proceeded to lie on our laps and whine, I gave a shaky grin, one of the attacking aliens entered, probably looking for a good ambush point, the dog like alien immediately got up, it didn't growl but it bared its teeth and the alien who was to distracted by the outside world than to realise what was happening inside. The dog like alien jumped, crashing the suited up alien into the ground tearing into the suit and ripping it and some skin off, the alien bled an extremely dark red, and it screamed, its skin was white with grey and pink blotches, the suit crumbled off, as if the dog like alien had tore of a vital technological function, the alien tried to lash out but the claws had crumbled to the ground, it screamed as our new guardian dove for it again, tearing off more flesh, I got up, and acting on instinct I picked up the tray and smashed it over the distracted aliens head, over and over and over, until there was a bloody mess on the floor, Aaron gaped at me, and I froze, horrified, "I... How did I" I stuttered in terror, the adrenaline rush I had was still strong in my blood and I felt sky high and strong enough to repeat this murder, but I couldn't I couldn't kill another thing just for being at the wrong place, the dog like alien whined at me, "its OK, its ok" murmured Aaron getting up and hugging me tightly, "you were just scared, its OK now, you're OK now" he soothed gently and I collapsed into his arms.

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